Time For School

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Mackenzie's POV

It was the first Monday that i knew i was pregnant. I got ready, and ate breakfast that didnt make me puke! I still had morning sickness since im still early, obviously!

I left the house, and said my goodbyes then drove to school. I parked, and went to my locker to get my books. As i got my books, then Lauren and Annie walked up to me.

"Now spill it." Lauren said giving me a look. 

"Spill what?" i laughed slightly. 

"What's really going on with you?" Annie asked, slightly nicer than Lauren. Slightly.

"Seriously, there's nothing going on." they both gave me a look that broke me, i have to at least tell Annie. But not Lauren. She'll freak. "Stop, seriously. There's nothing going on with me." i said, and they just sighed.

"Well, i have to go talk to my stupid brother. See you guys at lunch?" Lauren said, and we nodded tehn she left.

"Spill, now." Annie said in a sturn voice as she looked at me and leaned on the lockers.

"After school, and dont tell anyone. Dont bring anyone. Just meet me in my backyard at 4 pm. Today." i said, and left to class. 

It was time for lunch, but instead of going to the cafeteria, i went to the office to talk to our principal. She just asked me about what i have been feeling, and stuff like that. She explained some things to me, and yes. She's a mom, so she's been through this. I left after, and she gave me lunch. I went to the cafeteria and saw Lauren motioning me to go to her. I sat next to her with my salad in my hand.

What happened? And where did you get that?" Emily asked, and i didnt know what to say.

"Um, i was talking to the principal about some things. And, Maddie got me this." i say looking at the salad, and saw corn. I smelt it, and ran out the cafeteria to the nurse's office. 

I just couldnt take it! She closed the door, and gave me water. "Are you ok?" she asked after about five minutes of me taking deep breaths.

"I really dont know why im so sensitive to certain things. My mom was never like this, she never had this much nauseous. Even coffee, i cant stand it." i said, sitting up and taking another sip of water. 

"Well, everyone's different. This is just a comparison, so im not saying you'll be like this." she said, and i nodded. "My mom, she has 8 kids. I was her first. She was EXTREMELY nauseous, and couldnt stand most foods. But, with her second, she barely had morning sickness. And that was with the other pregnancies of hers. But, when i had my first kid. I barley had nausia, or that bad of contractions." she expalined, and i just nodded. "So, everyone isnt that same. Doesnt mean by genetics that you'll be like your mom." she added.

"Thank you. But i think i need to go to class." i said, and when i was about to leave, she said.

"Wait, eat this. You shouldnt feel nausous." she then gave me a breakfast bar. I ate it on my way to class.

The rest of the day i didnt have any classes with my friends, which i was happy about. The bell rang for us to go home, finally! 

As i walked to my car, i heard someone yelling my name. Lauren. SHe caught up to me. "Kenz! What is going on? You ahve been avoiding us, what is happening?" she asked.

"Nothing Laur. I-I, have to, go home. My mom is waiting at home with Maddie. Uh, I-I'll call you later." i said, and went into my car and drove home. 

As i drove home, i just cried. It's hard thinking of 'should i tell them?' or 'what will happen after summer?' everything was going through my mind. As soon as i arrived home, i ran into my mom's arms, and cried in her chest as she rubbed my back. 

"Shh, its ok. its ok." she whispered, and i continued to cry until the doorbell rang. 

"Shit, i forgot i told Annie to come." i said, and my mom nodded. I wiped my tears away, and answered the door.

"Hey Kenz. What's wrong?" she asked, and i just led her to my backyard.

I explained everything and started to cry. She comforted me, and i told her not to tell anyone. Maybe Hayley, but no one else. She nodded, and ended up spending the night.

I finally told someone, but the weight is still on my chest.....

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