Baby Time

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Mackenzie's POV

I was officially 8 and a half months, and the babies will arrive anytime soon. Me and Johnny live at my house and we're designing a house for our family along with my mom who is helping as well with designing and the papers. Johnny's parents also are helping with paying. Lauren is also going to move in to help with the triplets. 

I woke up at 2 am, and felt my water broke. "Johnny, Johnny. Baby, my water just broke!" I yelled, and he woke up. 

"Baby, I'll call the hospital." he said, and got on his phone. 

"LOLO! MOM! MADDIE! ANNIE!" I yelled because they were sleeping. 

They all rushed to me, and I was in a terrible contraction. "Ok, they'll be here in 7 minutes. Are you ok?" Johnny asked.

"NO! I have fucking three babies trying to get out of me!!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled at him, and he was surprised.

The ambulance finally arrived, and took me to the hospital. My contractions were getting worse. They wheeled me to a room, and took tests. 

(3 hours of LONG pain)

It was FINALLY time for me to push. And I was scared. In the room was my mom, Maddie, Lauren, and Johnny. Annie and Nadia (who met them at the hospital) were waiting outside. 

"Ok Kenzie. It's time to push." my doctor said, and I started to push, "One. two. three. four. five. six. seven, eight. nine. ten. Great job. I see the head and most of the torso of baby #1." she said, and I stopped pushing, and took a deep breath. "Ok, no time for stopping. You can do this." she encouraged me.

"No, I cant." I cried, and there were tears all over my face. 

"Kenzie, you got this." Johnny whispered in my ear. And I pushed, until the baby was out of me. One down, two to go. 

"Good job! Its a boy." a nurse said and went to clean him up. 

"Ok, two more." Maddie sighed. Really, she's complaining? I'm the one pushing out three babies out of me WITHOUT drugs to help. 

I pushed again, "One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Great! seven. eight. nine. and, baby #2 is out!" the doctor yelled, and I cried more. 

"Ok, last one." my mom said as she held onto on of my hands, and Johnny held onto the other and Maddie behind my mom. 

I pushed the hardest I could, and didn't even realize she was counting until, I heard another beautiful sound of crying. "Well done! Ive never met any women go through having triplets without meds to help in my 30 years of being a doctor." Dr. Adrianne said, and all I could do was cry. Happy tears. 

I held Kyle first, he has the most beautiful green eyes I've ever seen. BTW, they aren't identical. So they don't look alike. I cried even more, and Johnny handed me Kayla. He picked up Kingston. My mom took pictures of us. 

"Ah, Kayla Orlando. What a perfect singer/dancer name." my om said, making us laugh. Annie, Hayden, and Nadia came in. 

"AW!" they yelled/whispered since the babies were asleep. 

"So, what are their whole names?" Maddie asked.

'Well," Johnny started.

"This is Kyle Lucas Orlando." I said. 

"This is Kayla Angelina Orlando." Johnny said as I showed Kayla.

"And he is Kingston Nolan Orlando." I said, and they all were in awe. 

"DO you wanna hold them?" Johnny asked them. 

"Me first!" my mom said in a baby voice. 

"Sure. New grandmas first." I joked.

"Hm, no! Glam ma works WAY better. Now, gimme!" she said, and I gave her Kayla.

"Ok, seriously. Gimme a baby or I'll take one of them." Maddie said, serious, and Johnny gave her Kingston.

"Hey! What about the other new aunt?" Lauren said in a baby voice. I handed her Kyle. 

"Ok, I'm not joking. If you don't put her in dance and singing. I will." my mom threatened, and I know she isn't joking. 

"Aw, good job Johnny." Maddie said, and my rage grew bigger than the sun. 

"What the- I was the one who pushed ALL of them out of me. I was the one who grew them INSIDE of me!" I scolded, and she took a step back. 

I then heard my mom whisper to Johnny, "The hormones get worst after the babies' are born."

"You know I heard that!" I yelled/whispered. 

The nurse came in to take tests for the babies and me. 


Kenzie was sleeping, her mom left but Maddie stayed with us. Everyone else left. Yes, my parents did come and held all of the triplets. Maddie was sleeping a one of the couches, and I was just snuggled up with Kenzie in her hospital bed. I slowly got out, and heard Kingston crying. I picked him up, and rocked him. 

I guess the crying woke up Kenzie, because I didn't realize her watching until she spoke. "Babe. Gimme him. He's hungry." She said holding out her hands for me to give her Kingston.

"Of course baby." I say, and hand her Kingston. She moved her Hospital bed up so she could sit up, and scooted over so I could sit next to her.

She moved her hospital gown and started to feed Kingston. "You're jealous aren't ya?" She teased.

"About what?" I asked.

"He getting to suck my breast. And get my attention."

"No, I'm not jealous. Because, look. He eats from your breasts. And, I have your attention now. Don't I?" I smarted her, and she just rolled her eyes.

"Can you two stop 'fighting' about sucking breasts? It's just weird." Maddie complained, and we all laughed, including Maddie. 

Kingston fell asleep when he finished, so I burped him, then placed in his bed. I gave Kenzie a kiss, and she fell asleep on the bed, and i fell asleep on the couch next to her. A different one from Maddie. A few minutes of sleeping, another baby cried, and we had to feed her. Then, Kyle cried so we fed him. Well, actually Kenzie fed them, but I helped.

I so far we love being parents. Its amazing and terrifying at the same time........

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