A Jenzie Empire

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Normal POV(6 years later)

Jenzie now has 6 children. The triplets are now 12, Katherine is now 6, Kayson is 20 months younger than Katherine so he's 4, and their youngest, Kassie is 2.

Hannie has 2 kids, Caleb is 5 and May Rose is 1.

Cayden has 3 kids, Willow is 3, their other daughter Mahogany is 2, and their newest baby, Jay is 2 months.

Jaddie has 3 kids, Ella Jay is 7, Mary Kaye is 4, and Lucas Haye 1.

Lauren and Carson got married and  have had 1 miscarriage but now Lauren is 2 months pregnant.

Hayley is studying medical school since 3 years ago she saw her best friend go to the hospital but couldn't do anything about it so now she's studying to become a nurse.

Nadia is dating Darius Marcel and owns a cafe in LA.


Kenzie's POV

"KAYLA KINGSTON KYLE KAYSON KATHERINE KASSIE!!!! COME DOWN!!" I yelled, then hearing my 6 kids rush down.

"Yes mom?" They asked.

"We're going to the grocery store. Older K's help get the younger K's to put on their shoes. All of you now!" They nodded and ran to the closet to get their shoes. "JOHNNY!" I yelled. Then Johnny came rushing down.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"Hurry up and get the car ready. We're going grocery shopping." He nodded then gave me a kiss.

"No more after this one." He said as he rubbed my belly. Uh! Being 6
Months pregnant and having 6 kids isn't fun.

"I actually agree with you for once. KIDS LETS GO!!" I yelled and we all went into the car.

"Mom, where are we going first?" Kayla asked.

"Target. We'll redecorate your rooms since we haven't since you were 7. So the older ones with me. And the younger 3 with dad ok?" I explained.

"Ok!" They said back.

"Mommy, when is the baby coming?" Kassie asked.

"In a little bit than 3 months. So I need rest and make sure don't be loud ok?" I told them.

"Ok." They responded.

"Mom. When can we get a phone?" Kyle asked. By 'we' he means him, Kayla, and Kingston.

"When I say so. Now, you have iPads, computers, a ps4, even an Xbox. Why do you need a phone?" I asked.

"Everyone-" Kayla said but I finished for her.

"Yeah yeah. Everyone at school has a phone. Well, that them. You have 5 siblings and plenty of toys and electronics, you don't need more. Plus, I used that on my mom and it worked. But since I know how it works. It won't work on you. Nor will it for your grandma." I said.

"You heard your mom." Johnny said as we parked, "Now, I'll help with Kassie. Mommy will help with Kayson. Kingston get two carts ok?" We nodded and did the instructions Johnny gave us.

Kayla gave me the cart and I placed Kassie inside. "Momma, can I get a slushy?" Kassie asked.

"Not today. But later. We'll go to Aunt Annie's house and play ok?" She nodded and then I told Kayla to drive the cart.

"Kyle! Kingston! What do you need for your room?" Johnny asked them.

"Babe. They only need some new bedding and decorations. For now. Ok. Remember Triplets with me. Baby K's with dad. Ok?" I instructed and we went separately.

I got a text from Annie saying Brec (Hayden's sister in-law) was having some problems with her pregnancy so she had to post-pone our dinner with our families 

"Guys. I'll be back. I think I just saw someone I haven't in a while." I told them and they nodded and I walked. "Julie?" I asked, them she turned Around.

"Kenzie. H-How are you?" She asked.

"Good. Actually. Amazing. You?" I asked.

"Ok. I guess. I got knocked up by my boyfriend who chooses to leave you right as you give birth." She said.

"Oh my. I'm so sorry. So you're a mom?" I asked.

"Not really. I gave her up. For adoption. I don't think I could have any children at 31. I mean. Having one is a challenge." She said.

"Yeah. Well. I have 6."

"Woah. Really? Who's the father?"

"Johnny. We're married." I said and her face turned slightly sad.

"Mom. Who's this?" Kyle asked.

"An old friend. Julie meet three of my children. Kyle, Kayla, and Kingston."

"Yeah. Three out of like 10." Kingston joked.

"6. Almost 7 Kingston. Learn math!" Kyle joked to him, ruffling his hair.

"Kids. Stop." I then turned back at Julie, "sorry about that. Uh, being 6 months pregnant, having 6 kids. Most who go to school. Isn't easy one bit." I laughed.

"I bet it's even tiring with Johnny working." She said.

"Dad doesn't work. He spend time with us." Kayla said.

"Oh, well I gotta go. Good seeing you." Julie left.

"Mom, why did she seem. I don't know. Cold?" Kingston asked.

"Hey that's mean. But she's your Dad's ex from high school. She was rude, arrogant. But now. I guess she isn't happy. But I don't know. Ok? Now get your stuff and we'll meet with dad. Ok?" They nodded and we went shopping.

After, we got home and made dinner. Johnny was running all over the house, chasing Kassie and Kayson as Kyle and Kayla helped me cook and Kingston and Katherine setting up the table. It's hectic, fun, loving, but also family bonding.

"I gotcha!" Johnny said as he picked up Kayson and Kassie.

"Hah, ok Kids. Time for dinner!" I yelled as I put the last pot on the table.

"Yay!" They said and sat down at the table.

"Ok. Kayla give me yours and Kassie's plate." I laughed as I served the food.

We laughed, had fun. Nothing could ruin this moment. But, something did-

OMG!!!! My story is complete. I may do a sequel but I'm trying to update as much as I can with my other stories. BUT THIS IS MY FIRST EVER COMPLETE!!!! It's a really big deal for me!!!! Ahhhh!!! Thank y'all so much for the support and please if you want a sequel please ask in the comments!!! Or else I wouldn't know. But thank you so much!!!!~Author•Angelina

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