Chapter 3

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Newts p.o.v

I ran out of the cafeteria and tried to hide the tears that were starting to run down my face.

Why couldn't I just talk to Thomas, he seemed like a really nice guy, I thought. But no, I don't talk. Gally was right. I am mute, I stopped talking 3 years ago after that.

I am outside the school building now and finally I come to a stop. When I turn around to look back at the school I almost get a heartattack.

In front of me stands no other than Thomas. He has a worried look on his face and as I try to run away again, he reaches out his hand and grabs my shoulder.

"Hey Newt, wait!" he says with that deep voice of his."Please Newt, don't run away from me"

His touch on my shoulder made me shiver and I could feel my face heathen up as I turned around once again to face Thomas' beautiful face.

"Newt, I don't care if you don't talk but I want to be your friend. You know, you don't have to talk, actually I don't like it when people talk, thats just irritating." Thomas said and looked at me me with a desperate look in his angelic eyes.

I felt so bad for not talking to him, but at least this time I nodded. As I did so a small smile spread across Thomas' face. That little smile made me blush even more and my heart skipped out a beat.

"So, do you want to come over to my house at four o'clock this afternoon and study?" Thomas asked and I nodded and smiled

I couldn't believe it. I would meet up with a friend and study after school. I hadn't done that since I quitted talking. When Thomas runs back into school waking at me, I realize how much I have missed this feeling of seeing forward to something.


Thomas p.o.v.

At exact four o'clock my doorbell rang and I ran down the stairs to open the door.

Outside was a very tall and nervous looking boy.

"Hi Newt! I am so glad you came" I cried out and hugged him tightly before showing him inside. I could see Newt blush as i hugged him and for some unknown reason it made me smile.

"My room is up the stairs the first door to the left"

I grabbed Newts wrist and pulled him up the stairs and into my room.

"Make yourself at home! " I said as I sat down on my bed and glanced ower at him.

Newt was standing in the doorway nervously eyeing my room. Hi looked at my posters on the wall, they were from my favorite movie The Maze Runner, and then he looked at me with a smile. Hi pointed first at me, then at the posters and then he formed a heart with his hands giving me a questioning look.

"Yeah, I really love those movies" I said laughing at how he "talked" to me.

" Do you like them?" I asked and he nodded eagerly walking over to my desktop and sat down on the chair in front of it looking at me.

"Should we start with our english homework?"

Newt smiled his cute smile at me and then nodded.

We started studying in silence, but I couldn't concentrate at all. I found myself looking over at Newt , who was sitting bend over his work and scribbling down notes, the hole time.

I just could not take my eyes of his perfect face, his perfect blond hair and the way he always ran his fingers through it when he didn't know the answer to a question. What was going on with me? I asked myself but I truly didn't know what made me so attached to that boy.


After one and a half hour trying to study and not look at Newt I couldn't stand it any more.

"Agghg, I am done. Well I am not actually done, but I won't sit here for another minute trying to learn something of this shit" I groaned and shut my books with a loud 'bang'.

Newt looked up from his books. He looked as if he was relived that I finally was saying that.

"I am starwing to death, do you want to eat here?" I asked him as my stomach growled lauder than an airplane.

Newt nodded excitedly so that his hair jumped up and down.

I jumped up ad ran down into the kitchen with Newt following me.

" Do you like pasta carbonara?"

A nod from Newt.

"I always listen to music and sing and dance along to it when I cook, does that bother you?"

A head-shaking from Newt.

" Great, then I'll just turn on the music" I said and walked away to the stereo in the living room.

I put on my favorite album and then I ran back into the kitchen where Newt was waiting, the pasta already in his hands.

We danced and sang along to the music whilst we were cooking our food. Well, Newt didn't sing, but he danced and laughed with me. Every time he laughed I got that warm tingling feeling in my stomach, it felt weird but I liked it.

" Girl put your love on me" I sang as laud I could. At the same time I tried to dance some sort of tango with Newt and carry the cooked pasta over to the table.

Suddenly Newt tripped over something falling to the floor. In my attempt of catching him, the bowl with pasta slid out of my hands and flew across the kitchen. I somehow fell on top of Newt and watched as it rained pasta over the whole kitchen. The bowl hit the floor with a loud bang and then it went silent.

I looked down at Newts face that was only inches from mine. His beautiful brown eyes where where wide open in chock but his lips where forming a big smile. Suddenly I felt the urge to press my lips against his.

That thought got me so chocked that I jumped up with a scream.

Newt gave me a confused look but then he started to laugh. I turned away so that he wouldn't se my red cheeks, because I could feel blood rushing into them.

What was that about? I asked myself and I realized that I already knew the answer.

Newt stood up behind me still laughing and walked over to me putting a hand on my face turning me to face him.

He looked deep into my eyes and slowly leaned in. Our lips were just about to connect as the doorbell suddenly rang for the second time this afternoon.


I hope you liked this chapter! :)


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