Chapter 10

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Thomas' p.o.v

Newt had to turn the pages three times until he was finished writing. As he was writing I saw that he started shaking and I think I noticed a tear slipping from his gorgeous brown eyes and put my arm around him for comfort.

No matter what he had or had not done in the past I just couldn't stand to see him hurting.

When he was done writing, Newt ripped out the pages, folded them and put them on my bedside table. Then he handed me a smaller note and stood up walking over to my door.

Please read these pages when I am gone. I hope you can some day forgive me. /Newt

I looked up at Newt and nodded.

"Ok, I'll read and then I'll send you an SMS. Sounds good?" I asked him.

He nodded and gave me a halfhearted smile before exiting my room. I waited until I heard the front door closing, then I turned my gaze to the papers still lying on my bedside table.

I reached out with my left hand and grabbed the papers. I looked at them and without really knowing why I lifted them to my nose and breathed in their sent.

Disappointment washed  over me as the basic smell of paper hit me. I don't know what I had expected but surely not that.

I enfolded the pages and started to read:

Dear Tommy,

I am so sorry that I didn't tell you this earlier. I should have told you when we got together, you deserved to know. But we can't change the past so I am going to tell you what happened now. You may hate me after reading through this letter and perhaps you will never want to se me again. I fully understand that, I hate myself for what I did every second of every day as well.

I stopped reading there. How could Newt think that I would ever hate him? I love him, no matter what!

I hate myself for what I did every second of every day. Those words got stuck in my head. No matter what he did, Newt obviously regretted it with his whole heart.

The second I realized that, I also realized that I didn't care. I didn't care what awful things Newt had done earlier in his life, because he had changed. I believed in second chances. I always had. And Newt had changed, he was a good person now.

So I grabbed the papers and walked over to my paper bin. I ripped the papers into small pieces and threw them away. Then I went back to my bed, grabbed my phone and texted Newt.

But he didn't reply. I tried to text him again and again but there was no response.

At last I decided to walk over to his house. But as I arrived there only his dad was home and he told me that Newt hadn't come home since he left this morning.

If he hadn't gone home, where on earth did he go as he left me?

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