Chapter 4

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Newts p.o.v

I jumped away from Thomas as I heard the doorbell ring. He gave me an apologing look and ran away out of the kitchen and to the front door.

Why did you have to do that Newt? You just met this boy and now you nearly kissed him, what is going on with you?

The voice in my head screamed at me but before I could do anything else Thomas entered the room with a woman that I assume is his mother.

" Hi there Little Boy, I am Thomas' mother and who are you if I may?" She greeted me with a big hug.

She was a small woman with a serious looking face but she hade the same dark and kindlooking  eyes as her son. She seemed very nice and I desided that she was one of those good people you can trust.

"So darling what's your name?" She asked  as she dragged me out of the messy kitchen and into the livingroom where she plopped down on the gigantic couch.

" Mom, this is Newt, he is mute that's why he doesn't talk" Thomas answered for me.

I gave him a smile and nodded at Mrs. Eeehm I realized I didn't even know Thomas'  last name.

" Oh my god that's sad" Mrs. I don't know called out.

" But I don't mind" she gave me a smile " Well as long as that doesn't stop you from helping to clean up the mess in my kitchen, that is" she said with a wink and I emidiatly  went red as a tomato.

" Oh yea sorry 'bout that mom, the pasta just wanted to fly away and we let them try but it didn't go so good as you can see but we can fix that" Thomas said and his serious face made me laugh.


Thomas' p.o.v

After Newt and I had cleaned up the kitchen and bought some pizza we went up to my room.

" Sorry 'bout my mom, she can get annoying some times " I said as I threw myself onto my bed.

Newt shook his head. He took out a big pink notebook of his bag and wrote something down, then he held it up for me to read.

No problem, I really like her she is nice. Btw what is your last name?

His handwriting was really nice, just as nice as the rest of him.

" Oh, I am glad you liked her and my last name is Edison, don't laugh I know my name is Thomas Edison like the one who got an apple in the head and invented gravity but I am as smart as a horse so it is pretty ironic" I told him.

Ofcorse he indeed did laugh. A laugh that was cute and made my whole body sparkle.

Newt wrote down something more in his notebook.

Hey don't take the glory for something I did! It was me, Newton Isaac ( Isaac Newton) with the apple and gravity you just invented the dumb light bulb!

This made me laugh so much that I almost fell off my bed.

" So your parents are science freeks as well?" I asked  Newt and he nodded.

I watched as he wrote down something more in his pink book.

So, when did you move here and from where?

" My mom and I just moved here from a small town in Canada. We came here last week." I told him and he listend eagerly.

It was nice to be with Newt. I liked that he just listens to me talking.

He started writing again and I just watched him. His blond hair fell down in his face as he sat bend forward over his notebook on the floor in my room. I just couldn't stop looking at his beautiful face.

Suddenly Newt looked up as if he had felt me staring at him.

He smiled at me and then he leaned forward and kissed me.

Newts p.o.v

I was sitting on the floor beside Thomas' bed and wrote something in my Notebook.

I use that notebook to communicate if people need me to wich is just about never.

I could feel Thomas'  staring at me from his bed and that sent a smile onto my lips.

I thought about the moment in the kitchen when I had been my old self and nearly kissed him.

I liked Thomas because he accepted me for not talking and he didn't ask personal questions.

People in school bullied me for not talking and being gay. Even my best friend Gally choosed to ditch me and hang out with the populars instead.

Before everything went wrong I was the most popular guy in the whole school. A successful footballplayer, the boy that every girl in  school wanted.

I could do and say everything I wanted. No one argued with me because they were scared to get into a fight with me.

I partied through my weekends with my friends, well atleast I thought they were my friends but nope.

Gally. Gally was my best friend. He was the only one I ever trusted. Gally never left my side, he was always there for me when I needed someone to talk to, except that one moment when I needed him the most. That one time, he left me. And I will never forgive him for that.

I guess you wanna know why all this happened and the answer is that I am gay. Gally knew and he was alright with it. I have a little theory that he is gay aswell you know. Everything was alright until that one day when someone overheard Gally and me talking about my gayness and the next day the whole school knew and I went from most popular to the nerd no one wants to be with.

But that is not why I stopped talking. That is a longer and even worse story.

But today everything changed again. The thing that happend was Thomas. I have not laughed so much as I did today for years. If I am being honest I haven't laughed at all in the past 3 years. 

I looked up at Thomas to find him staring at me and when I saw his beautiful lips smiling at me Ijust couldn't hold back.

I leaned forward and pressed my lips against his.

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