Chapter 1

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Hey it's Kat and Haley... Hope you enjoy this chapter ... Vote and comment! The photo is a picture of Alex.

Chapter 1 :::Alex's Pov:::

I woke up and my head was killing me from my huge hangover, I shouldn't have let my friend Emma talk me into going too that party. I got up off my bed and went into my bathroom and looked through the cabinet for some aspirin my head was pounding real hard, I took some aspirin and drunk a glass of water then got ready for school. I put on a black tank top with a black hoodie over it then ripped black skinny jeans with boots. I went downstairs and into the kitchen where my mom was cooking breakfast

"Hey mom I'm gonna skip breakfast and go too school" I told my mom in a calm tone

"Ok dear" She replied and I hugged her before I left. Me and my mom good mother-daughter relationship ever since I was little. I got in my blue and black mustang that my mom bought me for my birthday last year. I drove too school and parked in my usual parking spot. I walked in thee school building and walked too my locker I was almost too my locker when I hit something hard

"Stupid wall" I muttered and looked up too see it wasn't a wall it was a dirty-blonde boy with blue eyes who looked some what good looking then I realized that was Chase.

"Watch where the hell your going" He spat angry with a cocky attitude, Watch where I'm going he's the one that ran into me!

"You watch where your going asshole" I spat back and looked around too find everyone watching us even Emma

"Just say sorry and leave me the hell alone" Chase said and moved closer too me

"Fuckoff" I spat and walked away too my locker. I grabbed my science book and shut my locker then went too Mrs. Smiths class and sat down in the back of the classroom and waited for the bell too ring. The bell rung and Zoey and that asshole that ran into me walked in, I hated Zoey she was the biggest whore inside this school she basically slept with every guy that walked in this school. Dylan, Caleb, and Trent walked behind Chase and they all walked too the back where I was and sat down Dylan sat beside me thank god me and Dylan were friends but he was still a player, I was the badass of the school everyone knew me and stayed away from me besides Zoey and her barbie's Sara and Reagen.

"Chase will you please get your feet off the desk?" The teacher asked Chase and he just sat in his desk with his feet on the desk smirking

"I'd rather not" He said smirking and the whole class laughed maybe it's time too give this guy what he deserves. I stood up and walked too his desk then pushed his feet off the desk

"No one wants too sit at a desk you had your feet all over" I said and smirked, he just stared at me like I was crazy then finally spoke up

"Please everyone wants too sit where I sat" He replied in a cocky attitude

"Chase and Alex in the hall now!" The teacher shouted, I walked out of the classroom and into the hall damn idiot getting me kicked out of the classroom.


School was over and I'm still pissed about that Chase guy getting me kicked outta class. I was gonna practice a little bit of basketball by myself, I was the captain of the girl's basketball team. I ran in the gym's bathroom and changed into some blue basketball shorts and a black tank top then put my nikes on. After I was done I walked out too the gym and grabbed a basketball then started practicing making goals. Someone came in while I was practicing I turned around too see who it was and it was Chase in red basketball shorts and a white t-shirt smirking at me can this day get any better? Notice the sarcasm. I just continued practicing ignoring him until he grabbed my basketball away from me and then through it in the goal and made it 

"Nice shot asshole" I said and smirked back at him he just stood their and gave me a glare

"Thank's bitch" He smirked

"Take that back" I hissed and Chase came closer too me

"Only if you beat me in a game" He said and I smiled

"You got a deal" I said and grabbed the ball from him and ran too the goal then through it in and made it "One too nothing" I smirked and we started playing.

I was sweaty and tired from our game of basketball, He beat me sadly. I got in my car and drove home it was getting late and I knew my mom was probably wondering where I was. On the way home I felt my phone vibrate  I looked at it and it was Emma

Emma: Where the hell are you? I came too your house and you were gone

Alex: I practiced a little basketball..... And then Chase showed up and took the ball from me so we played a game

Emma: WHAT THE HELL IS UP WITH YOU AND CHASE?!?!Alex: Nothing. He's a idiot that thinks he's better then everyone well I'm gonna prove him wrong..

Emma: I'll see you tomorrow at school then

Alex: Bye

What the hell is Emma on? Thinking something is going on between me and Chase when hell freeze's over is when you'd see me dating Chase. I got out of my car and walked too my bedroom tired, I through my shoes off and went into my bathroom then took a nice relaxing cold shower. Once I was done I hoped in my bed and went into a deep sleep.

So how'd you like the first chapter?.... Vote and Comment.

Kat: CHASE IS HOT! *stares at them while they play basketball*

Haley: I know right! *Eats popcorn*

Chase: *Realizes someone's watching* WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?

Kat: Your worst nightmare

Haley: Random...... Just Keep playing basketball so we can watch you...

Alex: What the hell is going on?

Chase: Their stocking me!


Kat: Let's go! *Haley and Kat leave then Kat comes back and grabs the popcorn they forgot.*

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