Chapter 9

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Aww Chase and Alex had their first kiss :') So Adorable! This chapter is gonna be a little twisted by the way because Me and Kat decided on some stuff so please forgive us if you don't like it but we have our reasons. Enjoy! ~ Haley.

Chapter 9 (Chase's Pov)

I walked through the school while people moved out of my way, Of course they were scared of me I mean who wouldn't be? Even the girl's were a little scared of me. Accept Alex she's the only girl I've met that wasn't scared or just swooned over me. I feel bad that I kissed her it was a mistake and I really need too talk to her about it I know she just want's too be friends. Plus I'm a player I can't just settle down for one girl and Alex know's that. I don't wanna hurt her so it's best if we stay friend's even if I kinda like Alex. Why I like her I have no idea maybe because she isn't scared too tell me off or  give her opinion plus she's hot so what guy wouldn't like her? And a bonus is she's a challenge and I love a challenge but I can't do that or for a matter of fact even say anything about me liking her I'll just hurt her so I'll keep it too myself.

I walked over too Alex's locker when I saw her,  her expression was nervous I could tell because she was trying too hurry.

"Can we talk?" I asked her and her eyebrows shot up.

"We already are" She said and grabbed her books then walked away before she could even get away I grabbed her hands and pulled her along with me.

"Let me go!" Alex shouted and people  started staring but didn't bother helping her. We passed Emma and Chase but they just stared also so I'm guessing she's not helping Alex.

Alex's Pov

I watched as Chase draggged me outside of school I wanted too be left alone today! Why can't he understand that. We were outside in the parking lot no one was around so  I just standed their and stared at Chase.

"Alex about last night I didn't mean for any of that too happen" Chase says and I narrow my eyes at him. So he's saying it was all a mistake him kissing me a mistake no the mistake was me thinking it was more then that. Tears filled my eyes but I was not about too cry in front of Chase.

"So your saying it was a mistake kissing me?" I say sounding a little bit hurt.

"Can we forget about that night" Chase asks me.

"Fuck you" I say as I turn around and run I don't know were I was running I just was running. I ran for about a couple of minutes and finally sat dow on a staircase I didn't know whose house this was and I didn't care. I heard Chase call my name as I ran but I didn't turn back I couldn't it was too hard to. I couldn't face Chase while tears ran down my eyes  he'd know how I actually felt about him. I just hope this crush goes away soon I shouldn't like him but I do. I'm no different then the girls at my school I fell for Chase and not I'm crying over him? Maybe not so much crying over him it's just I felt bad he said kissing me was a mistake why would it be a mistake? Was I that bad? I let tears slip out of my eyes and it started raining. Great. Notice the sarcasm. I sat on the stairs with tears coming down my face I'm actually g;ad it was raining no one could see my tears. As the rain hit my face I couldn't help but feel a little chill I closed my eyes and just let the rain hit me until someone snapped me outta my thoughts.

"Have you been crying?" I opened my eyes and noticed a tall black haired guy standing their his eyes were green and he looked muscular very handsome.

"Umm no sorry about me sitting on your steps" I say and stand up.

"Its cool I'm Nick" He says and smiles.

"I'm Alex" I smile and he looks shocked.

"Alex Price?" He says.

"Yeah how'd you know?" I say. This was strange he knew my name and I didn't even know his.

"Well your really known for your pranks" He smiles and I laugh, So that's how he knows me.

"Wanna go get some hot chocolate are something?" He asks and I smile.

"Sure" I say.


 Right not we were at some coffee shop drinking hot chocolate, We were talking about pranks I've pulled on allot of people and he laughed. He's really nice. I felt my butt vibrate so I looked through my phone and had a  text from Emma.

Emma: Where are you?? I'm worried! I heard about what happened and I am gonna kick Chase's sorry ass!

Alex: It's okay I'm fine I'm just having hot chocolate with a guy named Nick.

Emma: Is he hot ;)

Alex: Hot ain't even a work for it ((;Emma: Hotter then Chase? Hm ;D

Alex: Not that hot ;P But I g2g so ttyl bye.

After texting Emma me and Nick started back talking.

"So why were you crying? A beautiful girl like you shouldn't be crying" Nick says smiling. Is it just me or is that too cheesy? Somethings up or maybe its just me.

"Nothing really it's fine" I say and he nods.

We finish or hot chocolate and he drives me too Emma's house. I told him it was my house so he'd take me over their. Once we pulled in at Emma's I sat in his car.

"Thank you" I say as I smile.

"No problem wanna do this again?" He asks and I smile.

"Sure I'll give you my number" I say and he nods.

After giving him my number I walk into Emma's house and go straight too her room.

"Hey Em!" I smile.

"Someone's happy" Em chirps.

"Sorta I guess Nick took my mind off of some stuff" I say and she nods.

"Stuff like Chase?" Em says and I shake my head in agreement. "It's okay Alex you know that right"

"Yeah I do it's not really bothering me as much as it was he said it was a mistake and maybe we should forget about it" I say.


"No don't he's not worth it Emma plus you forgot he's Dylan's best friend" I say and start laughing.

"Uhh I forgot" She says and groans while I am laughing so hard.

After talking Emma told me I could stay over so I asked my mom and she said it was okay. So I'm baically laying in bed right now thinking. Maybe I made a mistake thinking I like Chase. Maybe I don't it just hurt when he said too forget about it. And Nick was really taking my mind off of Chase. That's a bonus I smile.

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