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Beys POV

The next day we left and went back to Huston, the ride there consisted of jay and giving his full attention to B but I didn't mind because he hasn't seen her in a while.

When it was finally time to get off the plane, I woke jay up gently and he looked up and me then down at sleeping BK in his arms.

"Baby it's time to go." I said and he nodded then got up carrying her we walked to the car, they already put our luggage in and stuff in the car. Our diver pulled off and dropped us off at home where we all bathed and took a nap.

I woke up before everybody else and took some time to clean up around the house. When I was done I took another shower and brushed my teeth. I sat on the bed putting my shoes on then I herd jays phone ring. I snapped my head back in the direction on the phone and started to tap jay before the call ended.

"Hmm what." He said sleeply with bk wrapped in his arms.

"Baby your phones ringing." I said getting up and getting it the trying to hand it to him.

"You Answer it." He said and I smacked my lips then slid over to answer but it was too late. So I unlocked his phone and called the number back. It rung one time before the person picked up

"Daddy?" I herd a little voice say through the phone, she sounded shaky and scared. Like she was crying.

"Baby this is BB, are you okay?" I asked

"Nooo." She said and it sounded like she was crying silently.

"What's wrong baby?" I asked soothingly and she hiccuped a couple times. "Breath sweetie, in and out." I said coaching her then I got her to calm down.
"Now tell me what's wrong Hollie." I said calmly

"I'm scared." She said

"Where are you babygirl?" I asked and she sighed and sniffed

"At home, in my closet. BB can you come get me please." She said and I nodded

"Of course Baby, I'm on my way, go to the iMessages and send me your location." I said because I knew jay got her a phone just Incase of emergency and I guess this was the time to use it.

"Where are you little girl!" I herd a grown man yell and I gasped, I hit jay so he could wake up and put her on speaker.she started to cry a little harder, I could tell she was trying to keep quiet.

"I'm on my way baby. Stay on the phone and don't make any noises." I said and she whispered so quietly

"Ok BB." She said

I put myself on mute then turned to jay and he had a confused look on his face.

"Jay we have to go get Hollie right now, I think she's in danger or something I'll explain later but let's go!" I yelled while rushing everything on and he hopped up then went into the closet and came back out with a gun. We kissed bk goodnight and asked the house keeper could she watch her and she said of course. We hopped in the car and sped off to her house.

I took the phone off mute and whispered and asked her did she want to talk to her daddy and she said yes please

"Baby I'm right here on my way, I'll be there make sure you stay hidden." He said and she whispered ok

"COME OUT COME OUT WHERE EVER YOU AREE." I herd that same grown man say over again. His voice sounded so familiar. We herd a door open and she quietly gasped. It sounded like clothes were flying every where the we herd and scream.

"STOP! No! PLEASE STOP!" We herd her yell and I pressed the gas harder.

"DONT TOUCH THAT GIRL!" Jay yelled through the phone and we herd some shuffling the a chuckle.

"It's too late." They said and hung up. And we were now on the block but I didn't know what house it was

"Jay which fucking house is it!" I yelled and he pointed to the biggest house on the block and I sped over to it and parked in the grass then hopped out the car and tried to open the door but it wouldn't work. Jay put his silencer on and shot the lock then busted in the house.

"HOLLIE!" He yelled then i covered his mouth.

"Where is her room?" I asked then he ran to it and I followed, We herd muffled cries when we got to the door and jay opened it. We couldn't believe our eyes. When the man turned around I froze when he looked at me.

"C-C-Chris but how?" I asked and he smirked at me then started to walk over to us. He had his pants pulled down and his dick was hanging out, he had a condom on and I looked up to his face as he walked closer and closer to me. I bagged back until I hit a tall figure. I knew it was jay when he pulled me behind him. And out his gun up to Chris's head then shot him right in between his eyes.

"Get Hollie." He said and I rushed over to her and she was fully naked, shaking with tears coming down her eyes. She had the most frightened look on her face. I picked her up and she clung to me so tightly. I went into her closet and put some clothes on her then picked her back up. And she clung back onto me.

I could feel her tears on my neck but I didn't care. This was our first interaction but I didn't care. As long as the baby was safe. We herd the front door open and jay told us to follow him and get behind him. He had one hand on my back to make sure I was close and the other aimed up infront of him with the gun it as we walked towards the front door. When we got there we sighed I sighed in relief that it was just the baby momma. I tried to hand Hollie over to jay but she didn't want to let go, so I guess I was just going to have to give her a piece of my mind with her in my arms, I went up to her and repositioned Hollie in my arms then smacked the shit out of her.

She looked at me surprised and I pointed right in her face.

"How dare you leave your fucking daughter alone with that monster. I can't believe your dumb ass. I would beat your ass right now but I have Hollie in my arms right now. And you better sign those papers stating that she's ours right now because after this shit blows over. You'll be rotting in jail dumb bitch." I said the walked out to the car and jay followed behind me while on the phone. Right after we left I saw cars with jays boys pulling up to the scene. They were going to clean up.

I sat in the drivers seat while jay drove us to the home and I called Dr.Berry and she said she was on her way. I rubbed small circles on Hollies back then kissed her head.

"Your Safe now babygirl, I promise." I said while she was falling asleep.

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