Part 25

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the one where the truth will out

Kara headed into the workshop with a sigh of relief. Tears welled in her eyes as she saw Lena across the room. J'onn had delivered. She dropped the bag with their things onto a table and crossed the room in three steps, not noticing anything or anyone else. Lena gasped when she saw Kara, clearly relieved. She melted against the blonde woman as Kara wrapped her arms around her.

"You are bleeding!" Lena said with a voice full of concern when after a long moment Kara finally let her go.

"Yeah, I ran into some opposition on my way here, but I stopped and got some of our things. Now, what is this meeting about?" Kara asked, more confused than she cared to admit. Easily, as though she had been meant to, Lena tucked herself underneath Kara's arm.

J'onn guided the tired warrior to sit down and Maggie rushed over to treat the various minor injuries. Lena held onto her shoulder gently, maybe just as a reminder they were both still there or just for comfort, Kara did not know, but she definitely did not mind.

"Everyone in this room has secrets." J'onn announced gravely. "Until now, those secrets have served their purpose in the best interests of our kingdom and our princess. Now, however, they are more of a liability than an asset. We all have to be honest."

Eyes throughout the room widened and the members of the small party eyed one another nervously.

"Would you like to get us started, Ms.Danvers?" J'onn gestured to the dais and offered her the floor.

"Not particularly, my lord, but I get the feeling I do not exactly have a choice in the matter, do I?" Kara grumbled as Maggie checked over her latest injury and continued to fuss over her. "If you are offering me an out I would really appreciate it."

"What is he talking about, Kara?" Lena asked, looking concerned and more than a little hurt. "Have you been hiding something?"

"A few things, actually and I do not know how my lord knows... unless, did you get Alex to tell you?" Kara asked, halfway glaring at J'onn. He nodded in response, though he was impressed she had guessed the source of his information.

"Alex, as in... Alex, your sister?" Lena asked, trying to fit together all of the pieces she was hearing.

"The key, in this case, would be she is my adopted sister, Alex. The Danvers family took me in after I lost my birth family at thirteen years old." Kara's voice was sad and deadly serious. "My birth parents knew if it was ever discovered I survived the fire that took them and my home, I would be in grave danger. You see, I am not exactly who I led you all to believe."

"My true last name is Zor-El. Clark Kent is in fact, my cousin and I am the daughter of Alura and Zor-El and if they knew I was alive I would be killed because I am the heir to their throne. My uncle Non has laid claim to my throne and has no knowledge of the fact I still live. My adoptive parents only knew I had been a member of that family, not their daughter, until I told the sister, Alex Danvers. She did not... she did not exactly take the news well."

Kara's voice was choked and hoarse with emotion as she finished telling her story. Every eye was on her, but for once she did not seem to mind. Instead, Kara continued to stare at her own feet, relieved to have gotten those secrets off of her chest but afraid of how her friends would react. Her parent kingdom of Krypton had been an enemy of the Luther kingdom since long before she was born. A large part of why the House of El had hidden her with the Danvers family was based upon this reality. It was the one place no one would ever think to look for her. Kara lifted her pendant out from its hiding place under her shirt and placed the item gently in Lena's hand.

"The night after we were attacked, I found this on my pillow with a few other things that could only have been from Alex. Lord J'onn, Now it is your turn to share." she said, giving him a pointed look.

J'onn bowed his head and with a resigned, yet determined tone he began to tell his tale. "For a long time, I have been known as the champion of the king. First to my half-brother Lionel, and then to my nephew, Alexander. This placed me in a position where no one would ever question my authority or my loyalty. The lesser known of my duties was as the king's spymaster. For a long time now, I have heard whispers of an uprising and a forgotten princess, who would one day rise up and take back her throne. My first thoughts were naturally of my niece, for I too had long assumed the Zor-El line had been wiped out. after your home was razed to the ground." J'onn seemed almost sheepish, glancing at Kara when admitting his error. "In all honesty, Lena would have had my full support if that had been the case. Lex has become a monster" he admitted. "Upon my investigations, however, I found young Alexandra Danvers, in chains in the king's dungeons. She had that same pendant around her neck and a truly unbelievable story to tell."

"When I said my sister did not exactly take the news well, I really was not kidding." Kara said with a blush. "I did my best to keep her under control but she started picking fights with anyone who was willing and trying to convince me to march back into Krypton and demand the Kryptonian throne back. Alex had always been angry. She truly loves me and would have been my one-woman army had I asked, but she had dreams as well and I took up a lot of the space meant for her when I came into their lives. She went through a lot and I have not been there for her as much as I should have been."

"Oh my god, I have fought you." Winn groaned. "You are a princess and I have hit you."

"I am no true princess, Winn Schott. What are you really doing here, anyway?" Kara laughed him off. No one gave him time to answer though, they all talked over the poor young lord a lot.

"Anyway, Alex told me of Kara's plight and I arranged for her to be released and then I had the idea of returning the necklace to the lady. I had no idea your brother had arranged for the lady Lena's assassination upon the same day. Luckily, Lady Kara is more than capable of protecting you, even with a blade lodged in her shoulder." J'onn chuckled. "I believe all that is left is yours to tell, my dear Lena"

"Yes well, I am guilty of hiding a few things as well. Kara, namely your predecessor, Sam."

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