Chapter 6

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I slumped down to the floor outside the music room as soon as the door shut. I leaned against the wall and held my head in my hands. I'd never left Alice voluntarily before. I heard a soft scuffing noise coming from down the hall and getting closer to me. I looked up and saw a girl with thick brown hair scrapped into a pony tail and stormy grey eyes approaching me. She was wearing short jean shorts and a black shirrt with a picture of a man holding a cello on it and a messenger bag slung casually over her shoulder. She was completely out of uniform. She walked over to me and sat on the ground by me. A minute passed in silence so I snuck a glance at her.

"Where's your uniform?" I asked.

"Where's YOUR uniform?" She said back to me, now looking me in the eye with an indifferent expression.

"I asked you first." I stated plainly, staring back at her.

"I asked you second. Care to state any more obvious facts?" She said sarcastically.

I laughed a little. "Very true. I didn't want to look like a freakin' Easter peep so I just modified the boys uniform a bit."

She smirked a bit. "That's agaisnt school policy."

"So? Care to state anythung I assumed already?" I said smirking back at her.

She laughed. "My parents own the school so I can wear whatever I want."

My stomach dropped. "You aren't going to get me in trouble though, right...?"

She rolled her eyes a little. "No."

"Oh. Well, thanks I guess." I said. We sat in silence for a few more minutes. Then the bell rung, indicating that the next class would start soon. We both stood up and adjusted our wrinkled clothes. "Aven. Aven Sloane." I said, putting my fist out towards her.

She laughed. "Kate. Kate Newshore." She said as she bumped her knuckles into mine. Kate started to walk away. I saw Tamaki peeking out from the music room door watching her go away. His facial expression shocked me; he looked distant, like he wanted the one thing that he couldn't have. As soon as he saw me looking at him, his intense stare at Kate dropped and his cheeks tinted a light pink. I smiled and waved to him as he scurried away, obviously emberassed. 'There's more to this then meets the eye." I thought as I walked toward class to meet up with Alice.


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