Know Your Place

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Naruto pov

After an hour or so a man with gray hair and a mask walks in.

"Sorry everyone, I got lost on the path of life. Anyways, grab your things. I'll be taking you to your assigned living." Gaara and I stand up walking towards our bags, were the first ones out of the classroom since we packed lightly. The gray haired man smiles at us through the mask.

"You two must be the omega males I've been hearing about."

"How d-do you know?" Gaara whisper yells. The gray haired man just smiles again.

"I can smell it on you, I'm Kakshi. I'll be watching over this years alpha and omega dorms. I'm assuming you two will be rooming toegther?" Garra and I look at eachother, then back to Kakshi. I nod so Gaara doesn't have to speak.

"Very well, let's get going. The others will catch up." As we start walking the rest of our classmates walk out carrying there things. It takes about hlaf an hour to get to the dorms. The omega dorms are on one side of the road while the alphas are on the other. Just by looking you can tell that there are a lot more alpha dorms compared to the omegas.

"Hey Kakshi?"

"Yes Naruto?"

"How come the omegas live in paird but not the alphas?" Kakshi slows down a bit leaning closer to Gaara and I.

"Let's just say alphas like to have personal space. And we put omegas in pairs because when one goes into heat, we hope the other will try to fend off the alphas. Since not all of you will go into heat at the exact same time." I nod as we come to a stop.

"And here we are, you alphas will have to return to school in four months to see where you'll be placed in society. Now I'll hand out your dorm keys and you'll all be free to go. If any of you ever have a problem, I live in the blue house at the end of the road." I hear Kiba groan before walking off with Gaara. We live in dorm 6, it's right next to Kakshi's dorm. Gaara unlocks the door and we walk in. Its actually really nice. It has two rooms, a living room, a kitchen, and a cute little back porch. The dorm came with a tv for the living room, a couch, two beds, kitchen essentials. And other small items. Gaara and I go into our rooms to unpack what we brought with us. I put my family photo on my dresser, and my clothes in the closet. I lay down to take a nap when I hear a loud clang coming from the kitchen area. Quickly, I jump up running to the kitchen. Gaara's crouched down on the floor with two pots. He looks up at me with guilt on his face.

"I'm hungry, so I thought I'd make something to eat. But I've never cooked before..." He looks down at the pan. I lean down, gently grabbing the pan.

"My mom taught me how to cook ramen, I can make some if you want." He nods still looking at the floor. I help him up showing him one of my goofy grins.

"You should go find something good on tv, I'll get cooking." Gaara goes to the living room looking through the channels while I cook some ramen. I guess they expect the omegas to cook because there is no instant food in this house. So I just grab some noodles, pork, some random vegetables, and flavoring. I just throw it all in the pot putting it in the oven. Now all we have to do is wait. I walk into the living room seeing that Gaara is still going through channels, I sigh. Walking over to him grabing his hand, he flinches a bit then looks up at me.

"C'mon, we have about 20 minutes until the food is done. Let's go on a walk." Gaara doesn't say anything, he just follows me outside.

It gets akwardly silent as we walk around the dorms. I open my mouth to say something, but I end up bumping into something, falling on my butt.

"Watch where your going dobe." A hand reaches out to me, I look up. It's Sasuke. I grab his hand, he pulls me off the ground.

"I'll do whatever I want teme." I growl back, Gaara grabs my shoulder.

"Naruto I think we should-"

"What did you just say?" Sasuke says, a dark aura surrounding him.

"Y-you heard me, I'll do what I want. You don't control me." Not even a second after I said that Sasuke grabed me by the collar of my shirt. Lifting me up as if I weigh nothing.

"Actually I do control you, I'm an alpha. I can do whatever I want to you. Know your place omega." Sasuke whispered the last part, then he threw me on the ground walking away.

"Naruto are y-you alright?" Gaara asked me helping me off the ground. I dusted myself off glaring daggers into Sasuke's back.

"Yea I'm fine, I'm just not enjoying this whole being an omega thing," I sigh, "Cmon, the food should be done. Lets go chow down." Gaara smiles as we walk back to the dorm.

Sasuke pov

"I have a slight feeling I'll be seeing more of that dobe." I say to myself watching him walk into his dorm with that red head. I smirk, walking into my dorm. Witch is right across the street from Naruto's place.

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