We All Make Mistakes

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Sasuke Pov

This can't be happening. It just can't. I can't be having kids. I'm to young for this. I'm fifteen for gods sake. Of all people why Naruto? We never got along in school, ever. He was always saying how he was going to be a powerful alpha. Ha, look at him now. Maybe they aren't mine? Yea that's it. There not mine, hopefully. I'll need a DNA test to be sure. The sooner the better. Maybe Narutos free right now, it's been roughly two weeks since he told me. I haven't left the house since. I'm running out of food too. After I get drssed. I walk out of my some what messy dorm, taking my time walking over to Narutos. Its funny, the last time I was going over here I practically sprinted. Shaking off the old memory I knock on the door.

"Naruto someones at the door!" I guess thats Gaara.

"Why can't you get it?" Naruto says, practically whining.

"Because Im getting ready to go out, so get off your ass and go answer the door!" Gaara yells. Soon after there little conversation Naruto opens the door with a smile, that fades as soon as he sees me.

"Um, hey." Naruto says, looking down. I sigh, this might be harder than I thought.

"Take a walk with me?" I ask, if he says yes. Then we'll just walk to the hospital.

"Sure, let me tell Gaara and grab my shoes." He runs off, I hear him talking to Gaara, who doesn't sound happy at the mention of my name. Thankfully, Naruto comes back without the red head.

"Lets go." He says with one of his signature grins. It takes everything I have not to smile back. I don't understand why though.

As were walking, it grows silent. Naruto keeps looking at the ground, everytime I try to start a conversation he just answers with a 'yes' or 'no' and if I'm lucky 'thats cool'.



"Are those my kids?" Naruto stops moving, slowly, he looks up at me.

"What did you just say?"

"Please don't make me repeat myself, I just need an answer." Naurto takes a deep breath, then exhales.

"Of course their your kids Sasuke! Who elses would they be? It's not like anyone else has rapped me recently! God Sasuke, do you think I wanted this? I'm fifteen, fucking fifteen. I can't do this, I can't-" Naruto stops talking, Insted he's crying. Sitting in the middle of the road, crying.

"You were my first Sasuke, my only. They could only be yours. Why can't you accept that?" Naruto says, looking at me with tears in his eyes. I slowly walk up to him, holding my hand out. He looks at it questioning if he should take it.

"Look, if you want an answer. We're going to have to talk somewhere more private." I can see Naruto brighten up just the tinest bit. He takes my hand. Gently, I help him up.

"So where are we going exactly?" Naruto asks.

"It's simple, my dorm."

Once we get back to my dorm, I clean up the living room a little. It's messy from me passing out on the couch, my room has been almost untouched for the past few days. Naruto sits there, watching me. When I'm finished, I sit across from him in a chair.

"So?" Naruto says, giving me a look. I give him a look back, sighing.

"I don't think you want these kids to be mine." He mutters something under his breath, but I contiue.

"There are a lot of responsibalities that come with being an Uchia, you know my father. Right?" Naruto nods, not saying anything. I sigh in frustration.

"What do you want me to do, Naruto?" He looks at me questioningly.

"What do you mean Sasuke?"

"Exactally what I said dobe." Naruto stuck his tounge out, I smirked in responce.

"Well then I want you to be there for me. These are your kids, I want you to be the father they deserve. Can you do that for me Sasuke?"

"Of course I can."

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