Impatient Uchiha

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Sasuke Pov

(This is while Narutos at Inos)

Ugh, why won't he just listen to me? I didn't do anything wrong. Well, I did. But it wasn't my fault. I mean, it was. I yell out of frustration, why is this even getting to me? I barely know Naruto. But yet I just want to be close to him... What am I thinking!? I need to settle this before I lose my mind, fuck waiting. He needs to forgive me. I run out of my dorm sprinting towards Narutos. Is right across the road so it only took a couple seconds. I pound on the door. To my luck, Gaara opens it.

"What do you want Uchiha?"

"Wheres Naruto?"

"I don't see how thats any of your business." Growling, I grab him by the collar of his shirt.

"Look Gaara, I need to talk to him. Im losing my fucking mind over this! So where is he?" Gaara sighs, I can tell he's hiding something else too.

"Well I can't say anything, but I do know your the last person Naruto wants to see right now. Just give him some time, if you wait for him to come to you. Then it'll be a lot easier." I open my mouth to say something, but I shut it soon after. Gaaras right, if I try to force this onto him. Letting go of Gaara, I tread back towards my dorm, impatiently waiting for Naruto.

Naruto Pov

"Thanks Ino, you're the best." I hug Ino before leaving the aparment. I truly enjoy talking to Ino, we never did until we figured out we were omegas. But now we couldn't be closer. Now we also have a plan on how were going to tell Sakura and Sasuke. I'm a little worried, but he does have a right to know. We just have to wait until I get the scan of the baby. Opening the door I go straight to the kitchen.

"Gaara, I'm hungry. Anything good to eat?" He shrugs, pointing at the fridge. I glare at him, I know I've only been pregnant for two days. But I'm pretty moody. Not moody enouth to not notice Gaaras outfit though.

"What are you doing looking so nice?" I say, grabing a grapefruit from the fridge.

"I'm going out." I almost choke on a grapefruit slice when he says that.

"W-with who? You never go out?"

"It's a date idiot..." Gaara looks away flustered, a hint of pink on his cheeks.

"Awwww is my little Gaara finally growing up." I say, ruffling up his hair. He swats my hand away, fixing his hair.

"I'm not nine Naruto. Be careful while I'm gone. If you need anything get Ino or Hinata. Maybe even Sasuke, he's dying to see you." Gaara winks before walking out.

"Wait, what!?"

"See you later Naru~"

Ugh, what did he mean by that? Did Sasuke come by while I was gone? I could just go and see him... Wait, no! Stop thinking lile that Naruto, he doesn't care, he doesn't care about our child. Sighing, I lay down on the couch. Falling asleep before I can think about it any furter.

~Kinda long time skip brought to you by le lazy author~

"Naruto, what did I tell you about coming back. What a drag." Shika sighs.

"Calm down Shika, I just have to meet with Tsundae." I say, patting my somewhat swolen belly. Shika looks like his eyes are going to pop out of his skull.

"I-I don't think I can stand right now, just go down the hall until you see room 73, it's on the left." Shika says, rubbing his temples. I laugh before waving him off, Ino following close behiend me.

"If you don't mind me asking, why isn't Gaara here?"

"Because he's not really into the baby stuff, plus I've been a tad bit moody so Gaara is a little tired of me." Ino doesn't say anything before we walk into the room seeing Tsundae.

"Ahh there you are Naruto, and Ino? What are you doing here?"

"Naruto asked me to come with him, we have plans after this." Ino grabs my hand, letting me know its okay.

"Okay then, lets make this quick. Morning sickness?"

"Not anymore."

"Any pain?"

"Sometimes in my back."

"Okay, I'll check that out later. Now lets check on the baby."

Tsundae gets this really cold weird stuff that she rubs on my stomach, then she uses this scanner thingy to look at the baby, her eyes go wide.

"What is it? Is it okay?"

"Yes, there perfectly fine."

"Okay- wait, they?"

"Contrats Naruto, your having twins."

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