Curiousity Killed the... Alpha

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These past two weeks have been awfully boring. Other than bumping into Naruto and that red head, what was his name again? He never really seemed to talk in class. I sigh setting my book down. Since its a nice day out I guess I'll go on a walk. I grab my black jacket with the Uciha crest on the back. This is still as boring as reading a book inside, just as I'm about to turn around I see an ambulance at Ino and Hinata's dorm. What happened there? I get a litttle closer. From what I can see there rolling two blonds out of the house. Its safe to assume that it's Ino and Naruto considering there the only two blond omegas. Once there both in the ambulance it speeds off towards the hospital. The red head is still standing there along with Hinata. Why aren't they going with there friends? Curiousity gets the best of me so I decied to go and ask.

"Not that its my business or anything, but why didn't you go with your friends?" Hinata jumps and becomes flustered. The red head looks up at me, his eyes are red and puffy.

"They wouldn't let us, something about family and aplhas only." Gaara looked back down as Hinata looked up.

"S-Sasuke, your an alpha r-right?" I look at her with a 'what-do-you-think' face. "Well t-then could you m-make sure Ino and Naruto a-are okay?" The red head looks up at this statement.

"Please" I look at both of them, they must really care about there friends. I sigh.

"I guess so, it's not like I have anything better to do." They smile at me, before they can say thank you I walk away in the direction of the hospital. I wonder what happened to them, the house didn't look too good either. Robery maybe? Well at least I'm not sitting in my dorm doing nothing.

I walk into the hospital going to the front desk.

"Sasuke? Are the rest of them coming too, jeez. What a drag."

"What are you doing here Nara."

"Well if you must know I help out with the computer files, us betas don't get everything handed to us. Follow me if your going to see Ino and Naruto." Shikamaru stands up holding a small bag, and starts walking in the direction of Naruto's room. When we get there Shikamaru doesn't bother knocking. Its a pretty small room, it's big enough to fit two beds, two chairs, and some medical equipment. Looking at the figures on the bed, Ino is awake, grumbling about food. Naruto on the other hand, is passed out, bandages all over his face.

"Here you go Ino, I thought you might want this." Ino gladly took the bag, pulling out a bagel and some jam.

"Yes! Just what I wanted! Thanks Shika, your the best." Ino smiled at him before devouring the bagel. Once she was done eating, she gave me a strage look that slowly darkened.

"Whats the alpha doing in here." Ino said atempting to glare at me.

"Well for your information, your friends wanted me to check on you. Aperently the doctors wouldn't let them come see you. By the looks of it you seem to be doing okay. But what about this moron over here." I glance over at Naruto, Ino's glare turns into a frown.

"He got pretty beat up, the doctors said they were going to run some test to make sure he doesn't have any internal injuries..." Ino's voice fades out as she begins to cry. Shikamaru pulled a chair next to her bed comforting her. Sobbing about how she wanted Sakura. I shrugged it off putting all my attention on Naruto. He did look pretty beat up.

"Not trying to be rude, but why does Naruto look like shit and you don't?" I look up at Ino, Shikamaru isn't there anymore. She whiped the tears off her fsce before taking a deep breath.

"I went into heat, a little later Naruto showed up telling me it was okay. That he'd do anything to help me. I asked him to get someone for me. He left my room telling me that he'd make sure I'd be okay. Not too long after I heard a lot of noise coming from outside my room, then Naruto was screaming. I couldn't do anything, I was in too much pain to move. Then everything went silent, and Sai walked in my room. He- he beat the shit out of me for trying to stop him, then he raped me." Ino lifted up her gown a bit to reveal bruises forming all over her upper thighs. I felt a pang in my chest. Ino never did anything wrong. She was one of my nicer fangirls actually.

"Get some rest, I'll stay overnight to make sure you guys are okay. It's what your friends want." Ino smiled before rolling over in her bed. Soon soft snores filled the small room. I do my best to stay up all night, but my eyes start to get heavy. Soon I give into the sleep.

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