The Aftermath Of Our Mistakes Part Two

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Naruto pov

Bright lights, thats all I can see. Blinding me. Darker blurs surround me. Whats going on? Where am I?

"Nar......ase lis....." Is someone talking? I can't stay awake, I'm so tired. Slowly I feel myself sink back into slumber.

Sasuke pov

"Naruto please, listen!" I call out to him, he staring at me, but he's not saying anything. He's been fading in and out if consciousness. Does he know what's going on?

"Sasuke, were taking him into surgery." Tsundae said.

"What? No! We can't! It's too early!" I yelled, squeeing Naruto's hand.

"We don't have a choice Sasuke, if we dont get them out of there they'll die!" Tsundae yelled back. Sasuke thought about this for a second, looking at Ino for answers.

"Okay, take him to surgery." Tsundae nodded, I kissed Naruto's hamd before they took him away.

"Don't die dobe!" I called out ot him, it's not like he could hear me. But I needed to get it out. An hour went by. Sakura, Hinata, and Shikamaru joined us in the waiting room. Two more hours passed. Kiba, Gaara, and Neji joined us too. We were all waiting for an update on Naruto. Gaara and I were the most worried. Once again, another hour passed by. Tsundae walked out. We all stood up, anxious for an answer.

"I didn't expect such a crowd. I'm glad Naruto has friends like you guys." She sighed, "Thankfully, Naruto is okay, the children are okay too. But due to complications, he's no longer able to have children." The group gasped, I felt my heart sink slightly. But it didn't matter, as long as the twins were okay, it was fine.

"Can we see him?" Gaara spoke up, Tsundae shook her head.

"He can only handle one person right now. All of you can visit tomorrow. Thanks for supporting hin, he really needs it." Tsundae said walking back out of the waiting room.

"I think Sasuke should go see him, their his kids after all." Ino said, the others nodded. Except for Gaara.

"I swear if you hurt him," Gaara glared at me, "I'll kill you." Gaara walked away, Neji sighed.

"He means it too, be careful Uchiha." Neji left, going after Gaara. The others said their goodbyes before leaving. Sasuke was now alone in the waiting room.

It felt like everything was in slow motion, walking to the room where Naruto lay. Where my children lay. I stood in front of his door for who knows how long. Preparing myself, I step in the door. My breath is taken away, Naruto was awake, holding my- no, our children. Their beautiful. Both of them have my black hair, one of them has Naruto's tan skin while the other is as pale as me. They haven't opened their eyes yet, but I'm hoping at least one of them has his sapphire blue eyes.

"Sasuke." Naruto whispered, "Look at them." I stepped closer, stroking one of their cheeks.

"What are we going to name them?" I asked, Naruto looked at them smiling.

"I was thinking Sachi for the girl, and Kuro for the boy. But if you want a say we can think of something esle." Naruto said quickly.

"Their perfect Naruto, their perfect." I sighed "So, this is the aftermath of our mistakes?" I asked, laughing slightly.

"I guess so." He laughed too

"Now what?" He questioned.

"We go foward in life, giving it the best we have." I simply state.

"Toegther?" My heart stopped, I hadn't even though about that. Naruto and I wern't toegther, but now that Sachi and Kuro are in the picture. They need me, they need up. I kiss the Naruto's forehead.


And bam! Books over, this is honestly one of the only things I've finished. And I'm so glad I did. Now, for that suprise I told you guyd about last chapter.
THERES A SEQUEL IN THE MAKING! That's right! I am blessing everyone with more sasunaru. Its called The Beta Breakdown. And this will give us more insight on Sai's secret. But until then, thank you for reading my book. It means a lot to me.

~Kuronami ❤✌

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