#1 - Rhythm of the Heart, pt 5

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Part 5: I'm In

"I'm in," Noh agrees to Rome's utter surprise. He didn't have to beg or plead or bribe or anything. Is there a human being that is really this nice? "Do you want me to ask the rest of the guys in the band if they want to play or do you want just me?"

The first part of that question almost makes Rome fall off his chair. The second takes his mind straight to the gutter as he takes in the other's handsome form. Seriously, is there anyone who wouldn't want Noh? Rome swallows and takes a calming breath. Now is not the time for those thoughts. Not now, but Rome has a feeling those exact thoughts will come back tonight when he's alone in his room and they'll bring reinforcements.

"Either is great for me," Rome finally answers after getting control of his wayward thoughts and looks around the café. "Do you think there's enough space in here for the whole band?"

"It would be a tight fit." Taking a look at the space, Noh taps a long finger on his chin. "I'll ask the others and see who's interested. Even if they don't perform, I'm sure they would be willing to help out."

"Are you sure? We don't want to be a bother." Emma breaks into the conversation for the first time. While her question shows her concern, the light in her eyes gives away her eagerness to have the rest of the band. Without waiting for his answer, she whips a photo out of her purse of Noh singing at what looks like the club and slides it across the table with a hopeful smile. "Also, can I get your autograph? Please? Please? Please?"

"Emma..." Rome face palms and sinks down into his chair. There is no way this fangirl is really his best friend. It can't be, but it totally is and the sad truth is that he can't blame her one bit. Honestly, Rome is impressed with himself that he hasn't drooled into his cappuccino while staring like a creeper at Noh... yet.

"It's fine." Taking the pen from Emma, Noh signs his name with long, messy strokes to the photo. A slight blush tints the tips of his ears and he grins a bit in apology. "I'm not used to signing these so I don't have a fancy signature or anything."

"You don't have fans asking for your autograph? I mean, fans besides Emma." It's hard for Rome to believe that Noh doesn't get mobbed by people. Hell, Rome is more than tempted to ask for a picture together but he's doing his best to tamp that down. It wouldn't be appropriate since he's asking Noh for such a big favor already.

"There are some that request selfies and stuff after our gigs," Noh confirms. "It always feels surreal when it happens. I'm so hyped up from being onstage and my heart is pounding and I'm all sweaty and there's these fans waiting as soon as we come down acting like we're Body Slam or something. It's crazy."

"You should get used to it." Taking the photo back, Emma admires it before slipping it back into her bag. She gives Noh a confident look. "One day you'll being signing these by the hundreds or thousands as fans scream your name."

"That would be something incredible." Pausing, Noh pictures that future and chuckles. To live his life playing the music he loves is his ultimate dream. Once, not too long ago, that dream included a handsome ex-secretary of the student council staying by his side but that part faded away, a part of his past that he will always treasure but has moved on from. He glances over at the petite guy sitting next to him and feels a warmth enter his chest at the dimpled smile and bright eyes. Maybe it's time to consider adding a new dream... maybe. His eyes never leaving Rome's face, Noh continues, "With the both of you supporting me, how can I fail?"

"You can't!" Emma's grin widens as she looks from Noh to Rome and back again. An idea is simmering in her head.

"Noh, it's time to go! We have practice!" The boisterous voice of Ohm splits the air as he enters the café and walks over to them. His cheeks are rosy and his eyes have a certain sheen to them. A satisfied looking Mick follows behind him with puffy lips that he swipes at with the tip of his pink tongue.

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