#1 - Rhythm of the Heart, pt 6

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Part 6: Khun Stalker & the Brat

The days flew by and Rome didn't see Noh during any of them, but they sent texts to each other every day. It started the night after their meal at Noona's when Noh sent him a message that the rest of his band wanted to help with the fundraiser. It had been too late for a phone call and Noh didn't want to wake him. The next day, Noh sent him a morning greeting and wished him a good day. Rome responded with the same and added a smiley face. The day after that, Noh sent another morning greeting and they sent texts back and forth during their lunch break about their classes and whatever other nonsense came to mind. The following day was the same and Noh wished him sweet dreams before sleeping.

By the time Saturday dawns, Rome wakes up practically glowing as he immediately reaches for his phone. His glow dims when he's confronted with not a single message. With a disappointed sigh, he sets the phone back on his night stand and crawls out of bed to start the day. Normally, he would curl up and go back to sleep this early on a weekend but today is not a normal day. Today is the benefit concert his club is putting on at Noona's. He is going to be busy so there is no time to be lazy.

Rome grabs a towel and heads into his bathroom only to be interrupted by a loud ding from his phone. He whips the towel onto the counter and dives across his bed to grab the device. A smile spreads from ear to ear when he reads the message.

The Edge of Noh:
Good Morning, Rome! No, I haven't forgotten what today is but I do have 2 questions for you. Yes, I know you're busy. Don't give me that look! They are very vital questions! 😐
What time should I be at Noona's and, most importantly, what should I wear?

Cutest Rome:
Morning, Noh!
How do you know what face I'm making? Are you stalking me?? 😮
Those are VERY important questions, life or death even.
The music is supposed to start at noon, so can you meet me at Noona's around 10?
Wear whatever you want that's comfortable. You look hot in anything.

"Oh damn, oh damn, oh damn!" Rome did not mean to type that last part and really didn't mean to send it to Noh. A faint pink tints his cheeks and he hides his eyes behind his fingers as he waits for Noh's response. Damn him and his lack of a filter. He reads his message again with a groan but consoles himself because he didn't add the other part of that sentence, which was, "or nothing at all." Another ding from his phone announces that Noh has responded to Rome's rather inappropriate comment.

The Edge of Noh:
So, you think I'm hot? 😎
I'll see you at 10, Cute stuff. 😘

Cutest Rome:
.... no comment, Khun Stalker 😋
See you then

The faint pink on Rome's cheeks deepens as he tosses the phone on his bed. He wonders how he'll be able to face Noh later. A look at his clock has him rushing for the bathroom, his worries about seeing the handsome singer forgotten for the moment when he remembers he's suppose to meet Emma in twenty minutes.

After finishing his morning routine in record time, Rome grabs his wallet, phone, and keys before rushing out the door and locking it. He finds Emma waiting patiently in the lobby on the first floor while scrolling through something on her phone.

"Oh no, please tell me you are wearing the club shirt under that giant panda hoodie," she says after looking him up and down. "I really don't know why you keep burying yourself in clothes five sizes too big."

"It's comfortable!" Rome argues looking down at his black hoodie that has a cute panda wrapped around it. "And it's not all too big. My jeans fit fine."


"Yes, Mother. I have the shirt with me so you can stop worrying." Rome rolls his eyes at his friend as he shows her the rolled up shirt in his hoodie pocket before pulling her out the door by her arm. "Now, let's get going or we'll be late for our own event."

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