#3 - Kong gets to Pick, pt 1

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Part 1: HELP!

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Part 1: HELP!

“Help! I need some help here! Please!” An urgent voice shouts from the waiting room a few minutes before the clinic closes for the night. The owner and doctor of the small practice had sent the receptionist and his tech home already since there are no more appointments and it’s been slow for walk-ins so no one is manning the front desk.

“Damn it! Seriously? I was gonna lock that door in like two minutes.” With an aggravated sigh, he pulls his tall, lanky body up from the comfortable chair at his desk and sets the file he was studying aside to go see what the commotion is about. Another yell for help has him quickening his steps. “I’m coming! Just a minute!”

The sight that greets him is a nasty one. He doesn’t look at the man’s face as his eyes are focusing in on the blood smeared across the pristine white shirt and the small furry body clutched securely in the man’s arm while he holds a handkerchief against the wound. A moment of sadness hits Pick but he pushes it away just as quickly. There’s no time for maudlin emotions. He has a life to save.

“Help him, please,” the man’s voice is rough as he begs for help.

“Bring him to the back.” Moving the cat himself could injury him more, so it’s best to have the person who already has him bring him to the exam table. He motions for the man to carefully set the injured cat on the sterile table. “What happened?”

“A car hit him and kept going. I couldn’t leave him there.” The man stands nearby with his hands fisted. “You were the only place still open that I could find nearby.”

“Bastards!” People with such a disregard for life are the worst in his opinion and there are a lot of people in the world like that. It’s one of the reasons he prefers to be around animals. They have a lot more compassion and deserve his respect. “The good news is there doesn’t appear to be any broken bones or internal damage. The bad new, there’s most likely a concussion since the cat was knocked out and I’ll have to clean and stitch up this wound. After that, I’ll take an x-ray to be sure I didn’t miss anything.”

For the first time, he looks up at the other man and is a bit taken aback. It’s not often he sees someone this handsome. Clear dark eyes meet his from behind black rimmed glasses and framed by black bangs and smooth, tan skin. Sweetly bow shaped lips are half way between an angry grimace and sad pout. This is a very good looking man but now is definitely not the time to appreciate that.

“Any experience in medical or first aid?”

“A bit, not much,” the man answers hesitantly.

“Close enough. I don’t have any staff here so you’ll have to do. Just do what I tell you when I tell you. Okay?”


“First go wash your hands in that sink and put on a mask… what’s your name?”

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