#3 - Kong Gets to Pick, Pt 4

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Part 4
Hell Yes

"So, boyfriend, huh?" Kongpob asks in amusement as he rubs his thumb over Pick's knuckle.

"Hmm... um... yes," Pick says after clearing his throat nervously. "I guess we didn't properly discuss that, did we... Sorry."

"No, we didn't. I think I would remember if we had." Kong gives a small laugh and eyes the older man. Everything about him appeals to Kong, from his handsome but gruff exterior to his soft and sweet hidden nature. He wants to learn more about him, spend more time with him, and make new memories with him. It's an undeniable pull and Kong has never been one to deny his feelings. "So, how about we make this official since you've already announced that we're dating? I really like you, p'Pick, and I would like to know you more."

"I'm not the most pleasant of people, nong... I'm grumpy and short-tempered."

"I've realized that from the first moment we met."

"I'm not good at being romantic or saying sweet words."

"That's okay. I have us covered."

"I usually end up saying something stupid or mean without thinking."

"I have thick skin and have no problems snarking back at you. It could be fun."

"I'm older than you."

"One usually is older than the other in a relationship."


"That's enough, p'Pick. I accept all of it. As long as it's you, it's fine. Do you accept me?"

"I don't really know you that well." At Kong's crestfallen expression, Pick grabs his collar and tugs him close to plant a quick kiss on his sad lips. "I look forward to learning everything."

"Is that a yes?"

"That's a Hell Yes."

Just as their lips meet again, a rapid series of clicks catches their attention and they turn to find Noona leaning over the table with her phone in camera mode. She wiggles the fingers of her right hand at them with an excited grin. "Don't mind me. Just go back to what you were doing. I'm getting some great shots."

"P'Jae!" Pick yells as he glares at the woman near him.

"Yes?" Popping his head out the kitchen door, Jae looks over at their table.

"Can't you control your sister?" Pick waves a hand towards the phone still pointed at them and Noona, who is practically sitting on the table. It doesn't even take a minute for Jae to understand what's going on and he laughs.

"Not even a little bit when it comes to her cute boys. It's best to just go along with it because there's no way you're escaping." He walks over to stand beside his sister and sets down two mouthwatering plates of food before looking at the screen of her phone. "Oh, that's a good shot, Noona!"

"Isn't it?!" Noona squeals back to her brother. "The photos are so much clearer when I can get in close. You can almost count the lashes on n'Kongpob's eye. The ones of their kiss are even better. It's like you're kissing them, too!"


"What?" She looks at Pick with those innocent eyes, which no one around the table believes anymore. Glaring back at her, Pick folds his arms in front of him. The woman scoots off the table with a loud sigh. "Fine... I'll send you a copy!"

With a wink, she pockets the phone and saunters over to the counter to bring back their drinks. Pick is still glaring but Kongpob laughs in delight.

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