Chapter 10

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Credit to Sandstormstyle for Sunfern.

     Heads turned towards her direction as Mapleshade called her out. "Wonderful." Mapleshade purred. "Now we get to kill you for spying on us! Won't Darkstar be in despair when he finds out that he lost yet another one of his kin and clan?" Moonblaze took that as her cue to run. She heard yowls and screeches behind her as the rogues raced after her in pursue.

     She was running so fast that her paws only skimmed the ground. She heard paws pounding against the ground, not far behind. This urged her to go faster. She slipped under the fence an streaked across the Twoleg area. Twolegs yelled and stepped out of her path as she ran by them.

     Gradually, the sound of pawsteps behind her faded away into silence. She came a a halt near the edge of the Twoleg place, panting hard at her run. Suddenly, something rammed into her, bowling her into the ground. Teeth snapped at her face and she lashed out with unsheathed claws.

     She felt it come in contact with fur, and heard a hiss of laughter. "Do you think you can get away from me?" Mapleshade! She flipped Mapleshade onto her back and sank her teeth into her scruff. She hissed and clawed at her muzzle, opening up an old battle wound. "We have spies in the clans!" Mapleshade taunted. "You can kill me, but you don't know who we have sent to watch you in your camps are! The Dark Forest is thriving, even more than it has been doing so before!"

     Moonblaze slammed Mapleshade hard on the ground, dazing her, then raced off towards the ShadowClan borders. Normally, she would crush her enemy so they couldn't cause any more trouble. But now, she had no time. She had to warn her camp, to save them. And hopefully save her own life as well.

     She heard the thumping of paws behind her, and for the first time in her life, felt a shiver go up her spine. That feeling was flooding her, stronger than her anxiety. Fear. She silently cursed herself for being scared, but then, who wouldn't? She was being chased by a dead cat who wanted to kill her and her whole clan.

     She could tell that Mapleshade was gaining on her, and then she realized. Great StarClan, Mapleshade was following her to her camp! In that split second, she made up her mind. She whipped around with a fearsome snarl and launched herself at the Dark Forest cat. "Pity, I thought you were taking me to your clan." "Well I'm sorry for destroying your dreams." Moonblaze spat, clawing at her fur.

     She reared up on her hind legs and lashed out at her. Mapleshade hissed but slowly retreated. Oh no you don't! She leapt onto Mapleshade's back and sunk her teeth into Maplesjade's neck. A sickening crack echoed throughout the forest. Mapleshade slumped to the ground, dead.

     A golden tabby padded into the the clearing, green eyes glittering. She gazed at the fallen dark forest cat, then lifted her muzzle to meet Moonblaze's eyes. "What are you staring at?" Moonblaze hissed.

     Sunfern's expression was deadly calm. She lifted her muzzle st the stars and her pelt glowed silver. Her eyes were slightly glazed. Moonblaze sniffed Mapleshade's cold fur. Dead, she confirmed. "Well done." Sunfern meowed suddenly. "I've come to speak to you." She was broken out of her daze. "I don't speak with cats from other clans so close to my territory." She spat, still remembering how Sunfern and her clan had attacked hers. Sunfern blinked calmly, her face expressionless. "Then we'll move away." "And who gave you the right to tell me to move?" Moonblaze said defiantly.

     "Moonblaze," Sunfern meowed. "this is a time of crisis when we must put away clan rivalries." "You think I don't know? You think I haven't seen or heard anything? You think I haven't tasted death yet?" Sunfern bristled. "You're certainly acting like it! The clans must unite! For the sake of all the clans!"

     "Yes, and I'm sure the attack on ShadowClan was to unite the clans." She said dryly, but sat down anyway. "What did you want to talk about?"

     "The Dark Forest, of course. And the rogues." Sunfern replied. "I've had enough if rogues." Moonblaze huffed. "They think that they can come in and destroy my clan, no, slaughter them. Kill them. And they target certain ones..." Moonblaze looked past Sunfern, into the forest. "They target them because they're close to me..." Like Crowtail... That was my fault. If I had never befriended her, she wouldn't have died.

     "How's this." She said, breaking the silence. "We'll keep an eye on the cats who we suspect might be training in the Dark Forest. You can tell because they wake up smelling of crow food or with blood on their claws and fur. We'll report to each other at next gathering." Sunfern nodded, and Moonblaze flicked her tail, padding away. "Until the next Gathering." She called over her shoulder. 


SilverWolfFlame: IT'S GONE!

Moonblaze: What's gone?


Sakura: Um, what's lost?

SilverWolfFlame: THE PRECIOUS!

Adara: ... Who let you watch The Lord of the Ring?

SilverWolfFlame: LOST! WHERE IS ITZ?!

Sakura: ...

SilverWolfFlame: *points at random person passing by* WHAT HAZ IT GOTZ IN ITZ NASTY LITTLE POKETSES?!


SilverWolfFlame: *perks up* Did someone say-

~SilverWolfFlame has been banned from this chat~

Sakura: And that is how you deal with an author addicted to Lord of the Rings.

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