Chapter 4

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Rena woke up the next morning and saw her younger sister was still peacefully asleep, snuggled against Rena's chest with a smile on her face.

She had made a promise to herself that she won't raise her voice at Jurina ever again. Yesterday's events really took a toll on her, but she isn't going to let some stupid vampire upset her and her sister.

She slowly got up so Jurina could sleep as she left and went to the bathroom. She brushed her teeth and washed her face before heading into the kitchen and preparing to make breakfast.

As she was preparing breakfast, Rena heard feet shuffling into the kitchen.

"Morning, Rena-chan~"

A certain puppy sat down at the dining table, eyes still droopy from sleep.

"Good morning, sleepy head." Rena smiled as she placed the food on the plates. "You look like you slept well."

"I had a dream that I was in Ice Cream Land floating on a chocolate river..." Jurina mumbled softly. Rena giggled at the remark as she placed Jurina's breakfast in front of her.

"Let's eat up before we head to the agency."

"Hai~ itadakimasu." Jurina smiled as she picked up her utensils and dug into her breakfast.

Rena set her plate down and sat in front of her sister.

"Itadakimasu," she said before she indulged in her morning meal.

"It's really nice out today," Jurina smiled as she looked at the morning sun coming through the window.

"Let's hope it doesn't rain. The weather forecaster is usually wrong all the time."

Jurina giggled at her statement. "Maybe if it stays sunny, the two of us can have an outdoor picnic for lunch."

"Perhaps I should bring an umbrella just in case."

"Oh c'mon, nee-chan~ Let's not worry about it. Today's gonna be a good day! I can feel it."

Rena smiled. "If you say so."

After breakfast had finished, the two cleaned their plates and got dressed to head to the agency. As they rode on the train taking them to the building, Rena was thinking about how she would handle Black.

She knew she'd be in trouble if she isn't able to reveal Yuki's true nature in time. Who knows what she could be planning. Even though she said she wants redemption, Rena just had a hunch there was more she was hiding. She knew, one day, she was going to reveal her true intentions.

Rena was going to stop her, no matter what it took.

"I won't forgive vampires... I'll kill them, all of them..."

"Re~na~chan~" Jurina poked Rena's cheek. "Quit staring into space~"

"Oh, sorry."

"You're worrying again, aren't you?"

"I'm sorry..."

Jurina kissed her sister's cheek.

"Don't apologize. We all have moments like that."

Rena put her head on Jurina's shoulder. "Thank you, Jurina. For always being there for me."

Surprised by her sister's sudden actions, Jurina said nothing. She just held her hand up and smoothed Rena's hair.

This moment felt so peaceful. Jurina felt as if she was going to fall back asleep in her sister's arms.

But then, they arrived at their stop. She quickly brushed off the drowsiness and she and Rena got off.

As the pair walk into the building, they were met by a very out-of-breath Takamina.

"You came just in time!" the short girl said. "We have received info of a couple of Daywalkers robbing a nearby hospital."

Jurina smirked. "Seems like somebody's hungry. Mou, Rena-chan. Let's go hunt some vampires!" She ran in the direction of the armory.

Rena turned to Takamina. "Don't worry. We got this."

Takamina looked worried. "Are you sure? What happened yesterday--"

"I know. I just mistook her for another person, that's all. I have already apologized to her."

"Alright then. Just be careful, and look after that sister of yours. She always dives in head-first when it comes to these missions."

Rena chuckled. "She can't help it. She's still a kid."

She then saluted and went with Jurina to load their weapons. Not too far from them, Yuki and Sae had entered the agency building.

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