Chapter 15

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Rena woke up in a daze. The last thing she remembered was returning to her room after changing into her yukata, then everything after was a blank.

As she woke up and looked at her surroundings, she saw she was somewhere dark and murky, it was an unsettling place. She tried to stand, but then saw that she was tied to the chair she was sitting in.

She tried to scream for help, but found her voice was restrained by a cloth that covered her mouth. She felt adrenaline run through her as she tried to analyze her situation, but found she had seemingly no escape. She could only try her best to scream through her cloth gagging her.

Just then, she heard the metal door creak open and saw a figure with red eyes walk in. She heard mad chuckles as the figure approached her, revealing a blood bathed Hide. He faced Rena with a wickedly twisted grin, raising his red blood stained hand to caress her cheek, leaving red marks.

"I'm going to have so much fun breaking you~" he said in a chilling tone.


"Rena was kidnapped?!"

"Yes. Most likely, he captured her after she had finished dinner and went to her room," Jurina explained. "Me and Yuki found this note left by him."

"Argh! Even on vacation, we have to hunt down a vampire!" Sasshi groaned. "What the heck?!"

"What are we gonna do now?" Mayu asked.

"Isn't it obvious?" Yuki spoke, her eyes had a serious aura. "We're going to save her and slay that vampire."

"Yuki's right. This is our job as hunters," Takamina said. "But we can't all leave. Only two of us should go."

"I'll go," Jurina said.

"No you can't, it's dangerous. He isn't a normal vampire." Yuki said.

"She's my sister. I have to go save her."

"Hide is different. He's.. warped. Insane. And he'll break Rena and make her the same way."

"That's exactly why I have to go," Jurina said firmly, staring at Yuki with very serious eyes. Eyes that pierced the vampire's gaze like a knife.

The two stared off for a while, and Yuki could see not just the seriousness, but the sincerity in her eyes. She already knew very well how much Jurina loved and cared about Rena, so it was no surprise that Jurina wasn't going to give in without a fight.

Yuki smirked. "Fine. You and I will go."

"Alright, it's decided then," Takamina smiled. "But, you two be careful."

"We will." Yuki said as she put on her hunter clothes and readied her weapon.

"You ready?" Jurina asked as she hide the dagger inside her coat.

"Yup. Let's move out."

Before they can walk outside, Yuko came running toward them while holding a sword in her hand.

"Yuki! Take this with you. I made this sword especially for you." Yuko smiled as she handed her the sword.

"I don't need it."

"Oh, come on~ Don't reject my gift." Yuko pouted. "Trust me, this will come in handy during battle. Please~"

Yuki rolled her eyes and took the sword. "Thanks."

"You're welcome~" Yuko smiled.

"Now, let's go. Rena could already be in danger."


Hide was laughing at Rena's futile attempts to try and break free of her restraints. He laughed at how she tried to call for help, but her screams remained muffled.

"Look at you, you're so weak in this state," he chuckled. "So helpless... Hahahahaha, I can't get enough of it!"

Rena scowled at the vampire as he walked closer. Grinning, he removed the gag from her mouth.

"I can't wait to hear your screams as your sanity snaps."

"You won't get away with this," Rena growled. "Eventually, someone will know I'm gone. They'll come for me. And then, they'll kill you."

Hide laughed. "Oh, really?! I don't think your girlfriend is strong enough to kill me."

"Y-Yuki is not my girlfriend!" Rena blushed slightly.

"Hahaha! How can you say that? Why are you denying your feelings?"


"I can see it... It's so obvious, you love her." Hide chuckled. "I bet she will be mad if she finds out you don't acknowledge her as your lover."

Rena gripped her fists. "It doesn't matter... What matters is, she will defeat you. She'll come here and slay you!"

"Hehehe, well... until she does, why don't we have some fun?"

Hide then grabbed Rena's head, holding her in place. He whispered something and Rena started to see visions appear in her mind. She saw visions of her parents dying, her sister covered in blood and crying.

"No..! Mom... Dad... Jurina!"

"They died because of you..." Hide said. "It's your fault..! Hahahaha..!"

"N-no..!" Rena screamed as tears started forming. "It's not my fault!!"

"It is! Quit denying it, they died because you were weak!"

Rena screamed in pain as she saw how the vampire Clyde killed her parents, and he laughed at Rena while drenched in their blood.

"How weak..! Pitiful little girl~"

"Shut up..!" Rena screamed, not wanting to hear the voice. "You can't control me!!"

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