The house

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<Are you sure my dear friend?>
There stood Alastor with his cane behind his back, giving an intrigued look to his best friend next to him.
<Beat it(get lost) Al, it's this or nothing.>
Next to him was his old friend with a lazy stand, an empty bottle of ''giggle water''(alcoholic drink) in his hand before he throws it away in a small "ding'' and walks toward the house in front of them.
<Oh Husk don't start to be grummy (depressed) on me! It's just ... I don't feel this, it's not keen (appealing)...>
Said Alastor with an annoyed voice, at this point he was used to his friend's rude and grumpy attitude not moving from his place he looks at his friend who's walking toward the old rigged house.
<What's eating you?>
 Said husker while opening the door of the house and standing there
<Don't be a sap (fool/idiot) look at it, also it's giving me the heebie-jeebies>
Answered Alastor to his friend while actually shaking his shoulders feeling a small uncomfortable feeling down his neck as if someone was watching them
<Stop razzing my new house will ya? (making fun of it)>
<For real how much Jack (money) did you put in this ... fine ... joint? ( establishment)>
 Husker looked at his friend and gave him a glare murmuring a <None of yeh' beeswax (business)> while the taller one joined him in the house.
Alastor looked around inspecting the house and its decoration while he said his french sentence his eyes stopping at a mirror before giving his friend an evil smirk knowing exactly what is going around in this house within just a few seconds of thinking.

<you know where I am if you have any beef with anything>
Added Alastor to his friend his grin never leaving his face but with a seemingly exaggerated voice at the ''anything''.

<Let's get you a few maids to clean this old house before you live in it shall we?>
Alastor pat his old friend's shoulder and smiled normally this time before walking his friend out of the house, but unnoticed to husker, Alastor's eyes caught something ''very interesting'' and oh he knew that his friend over here is going to need more than any strong bootlegs (illegal liquor) to be able to co-live with what's in this house.
<Let's get use a drink while we are at it my treat Haha!~> 
Alastor laughed loudly with his radio-host voice kicking in, giving his old pal a slap on the back to cheer him up and he did have him in the trip with just the word ''drink''. 
Alastor knows that his friend is a hard-boiled (tough) pal even when drunk yet he didn't feel sure about the house, after all, it was isolated from the city a perfect place to hide bodies in (not that his friend over there was bothered by it) or as husker usually say to him ''store the pricy venison (deer meat)'' as for now he will wait and see, not that he's going to live in it, it's husker's house, not his.
when the two left the house to get bent (drunk) they didn't hear the small giggle coming from the house's Attic near the big window. 

She was aware of them ... and she liked the grumpy one very much. 

Vanilla Perfume(Completed/To Be Edited)Where stories live. Discover now