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Y/N Floated at the window looking at were the grumpy man and his friend were before

<Did you see him Prunelle?~>

She asked putting her small hands on top of the dusty borders of the old wooden window and almost threw herself out of the house from happiness


A green-eyed black ragdoll cat was lazily lying down near the lady and we could've sworn that the cat narrowed its eyebrow at the girl before slapping its tail against the wood in disapprobation of the girl's goofiness

<Isn't he dazzling?>


The cat mimicked a gag reflex as if she just sniffed an old rotten legume that made her want to vomit and by the old rotten legume it meant Husk's face. (sorry Husky I luf u uwu) 

<So's your old man>
 Replied the ghost to the cat clearly irritated by what the pet just did with an angry expression on her face.

<Well... I find him charming~>
Y/N shyly said before giggling as she gently floated in her place at the window, her head resting on the palm of her hands before she slowly started daydreaming about the man she just saw, her cheeks slowly turning rosier due to a soft girly blush.
<Husk...I like you..>

Vanilla Perfume(Completed/To Be Edited)Where stories live. Discover now