..It's gone... ?

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unknown to them that a pretty ghost was watching the scene from the window, and she was having none of it, they aren't going to take her husk away not if she can do something about it even if she needed to possess someone to their death.
Husk welcomed the two officers in his house and they didn't wait a second to start searching around, looking at every corner of every room even the toilets were searched, the searching took about an hour till the officers got probably tired...
<Welp' looks like there's nothing in here> said the officer Moxi putting back a pillow in its place then looks over his co-worker exchanging looks as they both nodded in a ''we are going to leave'' the two officers walked over the door with husk who was somehow relieved yet losing his patience at this point, hopefully, they didn't discover the hidden basement
<welp'.. we'd be heading off>
said Blitzo with that same smirk never leaving his face as for the officer Moxi he had already left the house and was waiting for his partner in the car when Blitzo was about to turn around and leave his noticed that husker's eyes were twitching and looking over a strange place...
!!Damn husk don't look at it!!
Officer Blitzo stopped in his track and gave husk an intrigued look then looked over Moxi who did the same before they both walk in the house again and gave their attention to was husk was looking, A normal regular cabinet yet it was suspicious at this point.
Officer Blitzo had already his gun in hand as for Moxi he looked and analyzed the cabinet in husk's mind it was a screaming party, should he kill them? no they already took their guns out if he moved once he will probably get shot at once without hesitation he knew that the cops were bastards in their regular days yet he wished he never looked over there at this point
Moxi pushed the cabinet and it revealed to be a door behind it he tried to open the door but it was closed < Open the Door> he ordered without hesitation yet husk wasn't aware he was lost in this own thoughts it's really game over.... before he got Slammed back to reality by the same order but with more aggression in the voice, he slowly went to take the key of the basement's door and gave it to the police officer with a drop of sweat on his forehead, he can't even make a run for it at this time it's too late.
<...> The officer of police took the key and open the door to be greeted by the most awful rotten meat odor alerting them there was something wrong in this basement, they descended the stairs taking husk with them
... now it was obvious that there's something really wrong with that basement yet it was the most normal basement you could ever see it was more of a ''party place'' with a table to play cards related games (like poker maybe?), chairs around it and a green old couch with some useless stuff and old furniture and last the suspicious-looking fridge... the police didn't search that place they went directly to the fridge opening it to only see
<It's just an empty broken fridge..>
said Blitzo with clearly a hint of deception in his voice before receiving a slap of the back of his head from Moxi who was clearly annoyed by the wasted time
'' What ?'' '' how is that possible?'' '' Did Alastor move his goods without informing me?''
Fast I need to think of something!
<Y-Yeah.. i keep the old stuff in here that's why the basement is closed with a key heh..>
<What about this terrible odor?>
Asked Blitzo while looking around the room for anything suspicious
<I moved here recently and there was many dead rats and mouses in here soo.. had to clean it yet the odor stayed due to the fact that the basement isn't aired that much>
answered Husk trying to give his most confident voice even tho it was partially true about the rats but no the odor knowing that it was actually the "meat" that stinks when Alastor amused himself with leaving organs around or just the fact that he sometimes butcher them in the basement...
-5minutes later with a puzzled husk and apologizing cops-
there silently stood husk in front of his doorsteps
<Be careful with your surrounding mister Husker, seems like someone is trying to frame you>
said the smug cop while putting a toothpick in his mouth
<Yeah seems like it ...>
he didn't say much...what were they waiting for to leave? an invitation for a cup of whiskey and a kiss goodbye? probably... for husk most of the cops were '' Faggots''( gay man sorry if it offends anyone...)
Husk waited with his arms crossed for the officer Blitzo to leave but he was there watching him
and there they stood exchanging stares.. what the f?? can't they just leave?
<Now Beat it!>
Said husk semi-angrily semi-annoyed to the officer Blitzo before they decided to leave the grumpy man alone with a last <sorry for the disturbance hope we didn't take much of your time> from Moxi.
Husk entered his house and closed the door of the basement than moved the cabinet back to its old place before feeling a strange sensation in his guts he didn't like it not wasting a second he took out his gun from the drawer and hide it under his top knowing that it's loaded like always and like it should be(lucky him the cops didn't see that one hidden.. bunch of idiots..)
Husk approached and sat on his the couch with a big ''Oof'' that was pretty stressful yet he needed to call his old pal and inform him that the cops are pretty aware these days, he took his home-telephone and dialed the number of his pal's house and started a call
<Hell' O? this is Alastor speaking>
said the voice from the other line
<Hey Al it's Husk>
<Husker! my old pal I was just about to call you! Ahaha what a coincidence>
Said an enthusiastic Alastor over the line if you were careful enough (whish husk was) you could hear Alastor doing something or probably stabbing that thing or someone on the other line...
<Oh really?Hey What are you doing?>
asked husker intrigued at this point, and there it was that chilling feeling down his neck... someone was watching him, he helps his hand towards the gun ready to shoot if anything moved or made the smallest noise behind him and he knew that it wasn't the female cat as it's actually stroking itself to husk's leg and purring like if they loved them(as our dear husker did feed the cat as if it was his pet)
<Well I was going to tell you that I'm going to pass by and take the goods, you know.. it's getting quite empty in here Hahaha!>
added Alastor with his cheerful and loud radio-host voice with boiling water sound in the background
<...you mean you didn't take them?>
Oh crap... welp' seems that husk had a new problems
<Of course not! you always change the key's place and i can't really wake you from your sleep without risking getting stabbed to death.>
...A parasite problem...
<Welp I had the fuzz (the police -clearly-) visiting my house a few minutes ago>
said husker somehow angrily not from his friend but from the situation hi found himself in
replied Alastor on the other line at this point husk had just to add another fetal information and he can lose his smile they were clearly in a tight spot at this point
<Yeah ''Oh'' ...the bulge(Advantage) is that they didn't see it or I'd be already chilled off(killed) by the flattie(cop).>
At this point Alastor Wasn't able to talk much yet he was able to let a small <...H-how...>espace his lips making husk even more grumpy with the cat that went out of the house by the window
<Duck soup(Easy)... it was already gone!>
<What?! What do you mean gone? where did it go?!>
<That's my question! You tell me!>
<... It can't be gone! they were three for the love of the market!...>
At this point they were both screaming at each other at the phone, the tension grew bigger yet Alastor calmed himself.
<The dingus (things) is, that's not the point...>
<What? I...You...we! almost got nailed! (Caught by the police) what's more important?!>
if Alastor was standing near husker he would've already received a good punch in the face to wake him up and bring him to reality
<The fuzz are getting pretty smart...or I probably had a plant(Someone on the scene but in hiding) around when hunting for deer...>
said Alastor with a serious voice calming in an instant the angry husk who answered
<probably Ranked(Observed) by them at this point yea'>
he could hear Alastor's house getting quitter behind the line, no sounds were emitted at this point
<But I always do a clean sneak(An escape with no clues left behind)and clammed the others (Close-mouthed them/killer them)>
He answered back stating probably the most obvious yet with a questioning voice
<Break it up(quit the nonsense) Clearly some Boob (dumb guy) or Pro skirt(Prostitute)Piped you (noticed you) and snitched!>
responded husker starting to get agitated again because Alastor was careless again
<Mimzy...I will take care of it...don't take any wooden dimes(don't do anything stupid)>
Said Alastor before finishing the call leaving husk standing there. What was about Mimzy? that love-struck Flapper of his is the rat? but how did the corpses disappear?
<-.. I did it...->
a shy gentle voice said behind him
There stood a heavily breathing startled husk turned by 360 degree with an aimed smoking gun at... ''someone?''
Before him stood.. no.. floated with an inch( 2,5cm -if nobody knew-) above the ground a doll-faced young women dressed in a normal 20's respectful dress with glowing.. everything from her (s/c) skinned body to a pair of big pearly and surprised (e/c) eyes and floating (h/t,c,l) hair with a small hole on her forehead caused by the bullet who penetrated and broke the mirror behind her
<Wow...You have a good aim...>
said the cute Y/N before giggling like a little girl who just received a flower from her crush being unharmed by the bullet.
now husk's reaction was obvious he let out a small < What the Fuck?> before finding himself on the ground freaking out like any normal human should when seeing a ghost, there was a fucking ghost before him, a fucking talking god damned ghost... a ghost who hid bodies to protect him from being hanged by the cops above all of it.
<Hey... I'm Y/N happy to be finally having a chance to speak with you~..>

Vanilla Perfume(Completed/To Be Edited)Where stories live. Discover now