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Alastor  was slowly walking to  somewhere with the sound of his cane hitting the ground and his whistling to the theme of a random song that passed his mind
But he stopped in his track and turned to his friend who followed him
<Ahaha!  Quite the good decision my dear>
He took the keys of his home's door that was handed  to him by husk at least he can secure the safety of his own house with such a good friend   
<I believe...We have a pigeon disguised as a canary(women singer) to deal with>
No response from husk  but we could hear him crack  his neck and knuckles as an agreement to his statement which made Alastor's smile turn into an evil grin
<I want to crave her peepers(eyes) for peaching (informing)the fuzz  (police)But..>
He stopped talking and gave his buddy a glance with the same smile on his face
husk looked at him intrigued, wasn't he going to kill that flapper of his
<Don't tell me you're sparing that sharper(sneaky) Bitch!>
<Oh Aha!!  No no no my friend..>
Laughed Alastor at the sudden conclusion from his friend
Husk asked dryly hinting him to continue
<You see she can be very useful to us for once in her life and we may need her alive or just...Dry-gulched (Knock out) for that matter.>
He said with the most evil insane look that his human face was capable of making
<I see...>
And as they both continued their rout in silence towards the named Mimzy
Alastor and Husk stood before a building that seems more to be like a burlesque than anything else and as husk proceeded to lay against the nasty wall of that noisy building Alastor took to himself the charge to go call in for the flapper girl named Mimzy.
<Ey' Zy! Some dude's looking for ya'>
Cried a waitress for the gal after Alastor requested her presence urgently.
<who?..Oh Al! Darling, it's been such a long time I thought I'd never see you again!>
Said a plumpy well-dressed girl who just started squeaking from happiness after seeing Alastor at the door.
<So did I...>
Murmured Alastor between his teeth with his smile never leaving his face only to be heard by husk who contained himself from laughing
<What brings ya here Al?>
Asked happily the women while giving the man in front of her some sort of puppy dog eyes look
<Well I thought to myself that I'm in need of entertainment and who's the best babe(women) to bop(kill) the annoyance out of me except YOU! Ahahah>
Stated Alastor as if it was the most obvious reasons knowing that it was a complete lie well the biggest lie he had ever told actually
<Well' lucky you! My shift is just over~>
Said the ''babe'' in question before taking Alastor's arm and hugging tightly to her chest gaining a hidden disgusted look from Alastor.
What does he have to support for his friend...
At this point Alastor walked with Mimzy away from the Burlesque leading her towards husk's house who was following yet seems that Mimzy didn't notice him knowing that she was like a chatter box talking non-stop to herself about herself with Alastor who was still smiling to her not giving a single fuck about what she's saying and leading her towards her probable death.
<and then I took the cabbage(money) and left>
chatted Mimzy to Alastor who just said"I see" in response before he stopped in his track and looked at her
<Say Mimzy my dear?>
Alastor had a sour voice at this point but the idiotic flapper girl didn't seem to notice it as she happily smiled at him waiting for him to continue his talk but Alastor only made her sit on a random bench and went behind her putting his hands over her shoulder and smiling at her which somehow had a nasty effect on the girl‚ Hell it works Every-time
<Tell me, my dear... have you ever seen a pigeon painted in yellow as if it's a canary ?>
He asked smiling at her.
<Ahaha of course not' Don't be silly Al'>
She laughed with her annoying voice to him giving him the same puppy-eyes look 
<Well lucky me! It seems that I just have one between my hands>
Responded Alastor while digging his fingernails into her shoulders even though he was wearing black gloves.
<Aie' Al' that Hurst watch out!>
Cried the girl while trying to take his hands away from her yet he didn't move
<Since when did you become a call copper and pigeon to the police?... Mimzy?>
He hissed at her with an evil grin on his face.
<What? I didn't do anything!>
she tried to stand up but he pushed her back into her place while digging his finger deeper into her flesh not that he cared for her being in pain

Vanilla Perfume(Completed/To Be Edited)Where stories live. Discover now