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After yet another night with a  really bad sleep  schedule
Followed by a night where he was hearing giggles thinking that he started to have hallucinations from the lack of sleep or the cheap booze. 
Followed by another night where he could've sworn seeing a woman standing at his window when he was leaving the house.
Then another night where he woke up with actual hickeys in his neck thinking that he got some  ''fun time'' with a prostitute even though it wasn't his type but somehow that night he slept like a baby with each night the smell of vanilla was filling the air in his room more and more... 
Alastor visited less and less not that he didn't want to but the cops we being really attentive to the murders that were occurring so he was being more careful and less present, actually, if husk didn't know him he could've sworn that his old pal quitted killing until he started visiting him with actual corpses or human members like an arm, a heart or just boneless meat who were hidden in Husk's refrigerator down at his basement like if it's the most normal thing to do but Alastor was having more and more problems with the police being more and more sneaky once he almost got caught but he killed both his victim and the cop that saw him. 
 on a normal Friday, a grumpy husk was listening to the radio sitting on his same old couch having a cup of good quality whiskey for once, a gift from Alastor as he was hiding the meat for him while it's being risky outside with the cops who were starting to do some really deep investigations and to be honest Alastor was being quite the careless man by killing four people in a week and that is making husk quite nervous about his best friend it seems that his manic of a pal is having more lustful cravings for human flesh especially young innocent virgins making his ''hunting'' longer and longer sometimes by fake-courting the girl or just seducing her. Husk didn't care‚ he don't give a fuck about anything else except his booze but Alastor was making a big mistake at that time why do I say that? Oh well, the police were starting to suspect him of murder because each girl or man found dead or missing were someone of his acquaintance from that one super-rich girl named Charlie he was courting for a while (while people were saying that she ran away to join her true lover named Vaggie as both of them were missing) to a small maiden nicknamed Niffty whom was working regularly for him... They all were his victims and their corpses were in husk's house carefully hidden in the refrigerators in his basement. Husker at this point got bored and walked out of his house to go do something out maybe drink a coffee in the city or go to the casino and so he did but when he came back to his home sober for once he was greeted by someone he wished to never see... Cops...
Two officers were standing at his doorsteps with one being pretty old and the younger one has a grin on his face once he noticed Husk walking over his house.
Now if husk wasn't noticed by the younger cops he surely would've ran away to his friend's house but oh boy was he screwed.. welp it's over..his going to jail.. he already feels the rope of death around his neck.
The two officers walked over to husk who was trying not to look panicked after all maybe he was wrong?
The older officer who seems pretty experienced with his job showed his badge to the owner of the house ready to start the talk with him 
 <Good Evening Sir, Officer Moxi and my partner officer Blitzo(The O is silent)  at your service>
Husk looked slightly startled but greeted the officer back with a smile and an intrigued look while the younger officer was having a ''you're busted'' smug look on his face.
<G-Good Evening Officers>
<Well Sir let us be forward shall we... We are in need to investigate and search your house as we had some  neighbors complaining about stranger activities at night and we may think it's related to the recent murders occurring these days, not that we are accusing you of murder.>
Now Husk knew that was totally false because nobody lived around the neighborhoods so they are clearly maintaining something in there he also knew that killing them at the spot wasn't a good idea mostly because they were armed and he wasn't but also making them disappear suddenly may create even most suspicions ... if he did survive this investigation.
The younger cop handed husk a copy of the permission to investigate his house and husk carefully read it, there was no escape it's over.
<Would you please open the door for us ?>
asked the young officer the grin never leaving his face, they were both ready for any ''stupid'' reaction from husk but he wasn't that stupid .. not when he's unarmed...
Husker hesitated yet opened the door for the two police officers 
Oh boy he wished he'd never went back to his house.

Vanilla Perfume(Completed/To Be Edited)Where stories live. Discover now