Long nights

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<I'm home>
said a bloody clothed husker opening his house's door not that anyone would respond to him, he threw his coat at the floor and walked over to the couch with only one thing in his mind, sleeping, after all the night was tiring because of Alastor who like an idiot killed a really fat woman at midnight just for fun, he was now forced to help his friend hide the body away, he was strong but she was fat and oh boy the road was long before he arrived to his house leaving his buddy with a dead body to play with, on husker's first night at the house Y/N was clearly floating above his head watching him sleep not minding his bloody cloth or anything, after all, she was herself killed by her own father unknown to her that when a ghost watches you sleeping it gives you nightmares, she was admiring his snoring face clearly in a fluffy pink cloud wanting to touch his face so much to the point where she couldn't contain herself and giggled
a surprisingly light sleeper husk was startled up by the sound of a women giggling and oh boy he was ready to stab the first thing that he sees
A scared Y/N ran away before Husker could notice her, he can't see her not yet...
in front of a half-woken husk was standing the cat prunelle giving him a '' I want to kill you in your sleep look'', husk looked at the cat with a confused look
<Hey there puss'> now husker seated himself on the couch and looked at the cat, he liked cats for some reason they were always something cool to watch as they were a smart creature.
<What you're doing here? > he asked not that he was going to get answered by the cat then he looked up to see that the window was open probably why the cat was able to enter the house, he smiled then stood up and opened the door to walk the cat out <alright fella beat it now> he looked at the cat who clearly wasn't having it as the small creatures jumped at the couch and sited itself while looking at husk with a smirk look in its eyes
<I see...>
Husk didn't have time to play around with a cat so he walked over it, picked it up and thrown it out of the house as if it's a bag of trash with some angry cat noises filling the air and free scratches from the feline When he returned to his sleep after closing the window, Y/N opens the door for the cat yet none of them disturbed the sleeping guy even tho Y/N was admiring him from far.
It's been three weeks since Husk moved to his new house and at this exact moment he was playing with his deck of cards sitting a the dining table while his best friend Alastor was in the kitchen treating himself with a nice meal
<Don't get used to coming here and cooking your ''venison'' well ya.>
That was what Husk menaced his friend with as he at least visited once or twice that week but both of them knew that husker was just grumpy as usual and not meaning to throw his friend out.
When Alastor finished cooking for himself he glanced at his seemingly tired friend and smiled as usual not that he wasn't already smiling and sat on the table with him, putting his plate of ''special'' meat and some potatoes as an accompaniment he didn't wait and already started eating gaining a small disgusted yet friendly <Pft' swanky(elegant) > from husker who was still playing tricks with his cards with a sleepy look in his eyes
<Now level with me (be honest) husk What's eating you??> Asked Alastor after swallowing the food he had in his mouth and putting his fork down giving his friend a serious look after all his buddy never minded him eating human meat at his old house nor him hiding a body or two they were partners in crime sometimes even though most of the killing was one by Alastor.
now husk didn't respond to his old pal and played with his cards just after giving Alastor a glance, the only sound around the house was the sound of the cards being shuffled by husk until he sighed and said <Nothing much not having much sleep > adding a small yawning just after that he started to do a magic trick for himself before Alastor joins him for a bit of entertainment

Now husk was having a bit of a ''nightmares'' problem not mentioning the noisy hateful female cat that have been hanging around in his house as if they were roommates, telling his best friend about his lack of sleep and the nightmares that he's been having wasn't his type so he just shrugged it off saying that he just needed time to adjust the fact that he changed his house after so many years but Alastor knew that the actual problem was something around the house itself after all Alastor is used to the voodoo and everything and he knew that something was wrong.
As for the ghost called Y/N she was enjoying her afterlife with husk around, he was most of the time drunk so he didn't notice her, she always watches him eat, drink, get drunk, play with his cards, read the newspaper and sleep sometimes she even dares to follow him in the shower but she was a polite respectful girl and always goes back to her place giving him his privacy after all he would've done the same... won't he?
Yet she never dared to show herself in front of him fearing she may scare him with her ghost-like (s/c) skin and her big innocent glowing (e/c) eyes, she even feared that he may call an exorcist on her not that it could do much unless maybe giving her some burns from the holy water nothing that she can't support, but it would break her heart a second time (first time when her own father killed her) but sometimes when the night comes
(and when Alastor leaves the house after had his meal of human meat and talked with his sleepy friend who fell asleep on the couch after a few minutes of chatting)
Nights like this one Y/N would slowly float near husk and carefully play with his hair and caresse it not too much to wake him up but as much as she could too satisfy her need to touch him sometimes she'd go further and touch his face or lips but always waking him up in the process leaving her hints of vanilla perfume behind her with at the end an angry husk swearing around and throwing the cat out as it's always around to cover the '' what the fuck is touching me right now'', the cat didn't like it very much yet it always goes around when you're around him sometimes stopping you from molesting the poor guy in his sleep...for you husk had such beautiful black hair and wonderful smell even when he's too lazy to take a shower reaching of alcohol or else , rough lips that you wanted to kiss (once you almost done it but you shied away at the last minute) a nice body that you wanted to touch (he didn't mind walking topless in his own house) and his eyes, oh his eyes, those golden amber-like eyes that haunted (lol got it because you're a ghost) you ~ they had such a look it could make a panther run away from fear!(rawr) and you liked it even more when he comes homes with a sadistic angry look at night after he'd killed someone one the road due to his lack of sleep not knowing that you were the one causing it... when he drinks his coffee in the evening and reads the newspaper it makes you feel like you were a woman watching lovingly her beloved husband before he goes to work.. yet you seemed to notice that he've been having sleeping problems so you tried your best to leave him when he was sleeping sometimes you'd watch him sometimes not you didn't want him to move back to his old house afterall it was the most difficult part.. not to touch him and hear his strong masculine voice fill the air with angry words cursing the god of sleep and the fluffy black cat of yours.. you loved everything about him from his ''I don't give a fuck'' personality to his grumpy face at least you didn't feel that alone with him around except when he goes to work or goes out with his oddly perturbing best friend.
The brown eyes of Alastor always found themself were you were an it creeped you out most of the time, he had a creepy aura around him not that you were scared you just didn't like it...

Vanilla Perfume(Completed/To Be Edited)Where stories live. Discover now