Into the Woods Ch.5

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 Alatar's POV

 Honestly this Annabeth girl, she is so tightly wound up. All she does is blabble information about the camp, is she any fun? I know she was supposed to give me a tour not be my best friend but come on. I ask her a couple of questions and she looks at me like she wants me dead. She didn't even let me go into the woods, which was probably the only cool part about this camp.

 It's not like I wanted to be plucked away from my dad, sister, and doggo. Just because Hecate was my mom doesn't make me so important. I mean sure I found out ages ago when I made torches in the dark, but why didn't she claim me then?

 I left my school without any explanation and came to this one instead. I never had many friends anyways, and my teachers would always peg me a troublemaker. It wasn't much fun back then, and I don't think it'd be much fun going to another camp now. Now yeah, this camp consisted of magic weapons and fun quest's, but school is still school.

 Hecate guaranteed that soon I'd love it at Camp  Half-Blood, but I wasn't so sure. She seemed excited to usher me off to this camp since she's now got a cabin, and at least I had enough time to say goodbye to my fam and pack all my things. But, I wanted to have a summer vacation not go to another summer camp. This was the only year when I finally passed all my exams and wouldn't have to take special classes, but going here ruined it.

 Using what little I already knew, I snuck out of lunch, replaced myself with a mist dummy, and headed into the woods. I was totally unprepared for what happened then. I knew I would need light, so I made a torch but I never expected I would actually need to wield a blade and defend myself from REAL monsters.

 I didn't travel very far until I met a creature in the woods. It was not to bad. Just a hydra. It spat poison at me, and it seemed hostile.


 That was the sound of me snapping my fingers and a giant monster donut appearing. I led the hydra away with that. Geez, the woods aren't too tough. I was following Zephyros Creek , and eventually I found the poop pile, sorry Zeus's fist. I had nothing better to do, so I climbed it.

 "AH!" I yelped as my finger slipped off the boulders.

 I fell and landing with a soft omp.  Just then, a loud screech rang through the woods. No doubt the camp found out that I wasn't there with them anymore, so I decided to head back before I got caught. I was making my way back when I heard someone coming. A shadow was cast on a nearby tree. It was probably a camper coming to bring me back. I turned around and,


 It was a disgusting creature. All muddy and oozy and covered with moss. Is it an orge? Or maybe a troll? I thought. 

Percy's POV

 I dove into the forest in search of Alatar. If it weren't for Annabeth, I wouldn't be out here searching for that stupid kid. Seriously, when someone tells you not to go somewhere you don't go! Annabeth suggested we separate to cover more ground. That way we can find him quickly and slip back into camp before anyone notices we were gone. I was against the idea,but Annabeth was persistent. So, she dashed away.

 I followed Zephyros Creek hoping that maybe it could lead me towards him.  And just as I was skipping a stone a hydra barreled towards me. It knocked me into the water and ran off. It seemed to be chasing something. That something kinda looked like a large donut.

 This forest must be messing with my mind. I thought as I tried to get back up. 

 Instead, I had placed my foot in a muddy part of the ground and fell right into the muddy puddle.

 Great. Now I'm covered in mud. I thought bitterly.

 I tried to get up again, but my shoe had other ideas. It stuck to the mud, and as I was trying to walk my shoe lurched forward but wasn't able to pull free. Before i could stop myself I ended up landing face first in a pile of grass and leaves.

 I looked up and say Alatar falling of Zeus's Fist.

 Ugh, I hurried and got up. But before I could a booming screech pierced my ears.

 "Agh!" I groaned in frustration. That's when Alatar noticed me and screamed. I guess he was alarmed by my new fashion statement.

 "Hey, Alatar, lemme ex-oof" I just got hit over the head by a very heavy stone.

 I fell back down with Alatar standing atop me.

 "Percy? Oh my gods, I'm sorry I didn't know it was you," he said cautiously.

 That was the last thing I heard before I blacked out.

Author's Note: SPOILER ALERT! 

 Let's take a moment to mourn Jason's death, and the Jason and Piper ship.

                                  ~ I will forever remember you~

 Anyways, for those of you who have read The Demigod Diaries, and know who Alabaster is. Then lemme inform you, THEY ARE NOT THE SAME PERSON. In fact I didn't even know who Alabaster was until now. It's just a crazy coincidence that they have a similar name and are both son's of Hecate. And for those of you who don't know who he is. Then... carry on with your day and forget I ever mentioned anything.

  Please remember that having an ARMY of fellow greek geeks helps a lot. Also, there's another story r=wr

                                                    -XOXO                                                                                                                                            from over the rainbow

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