Getting Evaporated. Nearly. Ch. 22

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Alatar's POV

Run. Run after them. Hurry and catch up.

Ever cell in my body compelled me to keep going during my brief battle with Percy. Changing gears was startling but this game of cat and mouse is going to end soon.

I tailed Percy as he followed Annabeth into the Empire State Building. They dashed into the elevator leaving me stuck in the lobby with a very confused  receptionist.

A wave of nausea rolled over me and black crept up in the corners of my vision. 

Something indescribable happened. 

I couldn't remember anything during the period of time that I happened to black out. 

But once I reopened my eyes, I saw Percy climbing onto Poseidon's throne. The order in my head demanded that I knock him off. Knock him off I did.

I ran towards him, pushing past Annabeth, and grabbed his foot.

"Alatar stop!" Annabeth called out. She rushed towards me and yanked back my arm.

I dropped my sword that I was still holding in my other hand and used my now free hand to grab Percy's leg once more.

He shook and kicked at me like I was a stray rat begging to be fed. I held on despite his vigorous protests.

"You will not disturb them. You're not done fighting me yet!" I snarled. (A/N: Snarled is an ugly word. I hate using it.)

"Get your hand off my foot Alatar!" Percy exclaimed. 

We played tug of war over Percy's worn down sneaker, but eventually it wiggled loose and came off. I stumbled backwards because of Newton's second law. 

I stared at the shoe in my hand while Percy scrambled up the throne once more now with only one sneaker and a sock.

He reached the top and a burst of heavenly light rained upon him. Poseidon's voice rumbled down from above.

"You have failed me," He mumbled.

The god made an entrance. Appearing in ray of dazzling light.

"Get off of my chair Percy," He grumbled.

Percy jumped down quickly and headed over to Annabeth's side.

"Er.. father. I did what I had to, so I could get your attention. I wanted to talk to you about," His speech was cut off when a new godly form arrived.

"Talk about eloping with my daughter. And I'll say it over and over again. I advise you to reconsider. Cause we for one are one hundred and seventy eight percent against it," Athena announced.

"Ma'am please. I ask that you would give us your.. blessing? Wait no shit-that's for marriage. Eh, it wouldn't hurt to ask for permission either," Percy shrugged.

"What this seaweed brain is trying to say. Is that, mother we are happy with each other. Being a demigod means that many times you risk your life and often times end up dying in horrible gruesome ways," Annabeth approached the two gods.

"Being with Percy has helped me overcome many things. I feel more like a person when I'm with him. These visions you've been warning us with. No matter what, I'm here for him and he'll have my back as well," Annabeth blushed.

Percy nodded.

"We ask that your divinities accept our like for one another," Annabeth concluded.

"It's not that simple dear. For centuries the two of us have feuded. Not my proudest moments granted, but the grudge is there," Athena fumed.

"Besides Percy ,I'm sure you can do better than some child of some "certain" goddess," Poseidon sneered.

"And I'm sure Annabeth will find someone that loves her more than a lousy child of a sea god," Athena taunted.

"Excuse me, but this lousy child of a sea god has helped defeat Kronos and achieved multiple levels of extravagance," Poseidon bickered.

I didn't know what was happening. It was as if a curtain had been wrapped around my thoughts, bundled, and then shipped off to another country. 

I still held Percy's shoe in my hand, and I was aware of the two divine deities.

Yet, I couldn't move. I couldn't react. I was like a spectator. Observing on the sidelines.

"Dad! Ma'am! While it may be true that the two of you.. Heh that rhymes," Percy chuckled. Annabeth elbowed him. "Ah right. It may be true that you two haven't agreed on something for years, but there must have been times when even the two most bitter gods had to cooperate," Percy pleaded.

"Well.. I suppose there are the chariots. Barnacle beard created the flimsy horses, and I created the bodice of the vehicle they pulled," Athena considered.

"My stallions are more than just flimsy horses!" Poseidon protested.

"The point is. You rivals still had to work together at one point right?" Annabeth interrupted.

"Hah, yeah and there was the time when we created a fake demigod, sent him to camp, and set him on the intent to break you two up!" Poseidon chuckled.

"Huh? When was that?" Percy questioned.

"You idiot! That was now!" Athena hissed.

"Mom, can you give us an explanation?" Annabeth inquired.

"Oh for lords sake," Athena rubbed her temples. "I'm sorry for our behavior my dear. Your friend Alatar here really isn't who he seems," Athena waved her hand.

A tingle ran through my body. The next thing I knew. I awoke feeling fresh and in a new place. 

Author's Note:

HEE HEE. Sorry for the super late update.

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