Birthday Party Ch. 15

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 Percy's POV

When Annabeth and Alatar barged into my cabin, I was beyond shocked. They came near the dead of night and nearly knocked the door off it's hinges.

I woke up from the sound of them pounding on the door. After getting up, I shuffled across the room. The moment the door opened a wave of noise filled my empty room.

Annabeth stumbled inside while balancing a cake, Alatar blew a party blower obnoxiously. They both stood up straight and held the cake proudly. 

"Tyson helped us make it," Annabeth said sheepishly. 

I was too busy trying to comprehend the sudden change in environment. Alatar had flicked open the lights and I felt like a melting vampire. I squinted, but then realized I probably looked like a mess.

"Oh shit- my bad. Lemme get dressed!" I yelped and stumbled backward. Alatar laughed (probably at me) and shut the door. Good ideas, we wouldn't want the harpies to notice us...

I scrambled to the bathroom while Annabeth placed the cake on a very messy desk. 

I looked my self in the mirror and slapped my face twice. 

Gods of Olympus, Percy what are you doing? 

I could feel Athena smiting me from Olympus. After splashing water on my face I brushed my teeth and combed my hair. 

Ah right.. my clothes.

I kept my clothes in a trunk next to my bed. That would mean having to face Annabeth and Alatar in my power rangers pajama's. I crept out of the bathroom slowly, and made my way over to the chest. I thought I was in the clear once I've grabbed a camp half-blood t'shirt and some jeans, but then Alatar called out,

"Nice pajamas Percy!" he flashed me two thumbs up.

I could feel my face heating up as Annabeth started laughing. 

"Ah hah, really? Thanks a lot bro," I replied.

I quickly shuffled back into the bathroom after that. I closed the door and made sure to lock it. *click* 

I undressed and pulled on the fresh pair of clothing. I looked myself in the mirror once more. 

I can't do this... Not if..not if THAT really does happen.

I could hear Annabeth and Alatar chatter through the door. Gripping the door knob I contemplated whether I should tell them to leave. 

"Hey Percy? We've already cut the cake, you want a slice?" Annabeth called.

I gripped the door knob tighter. Tonight I will tell her about the nightmares. Tonight I will make my decision final.

Annabeth's POV

Sneaking into the Poseidon cabin was such a hassle. We barely avoided extinction by harpy on the way here. I really want Percy to tell me what's been bothering him, but at the same time I'm afraid the reason was just a simple, "I don't like you,"

Alatar was joking around as usual, and I tried to match his lighthearted mood. Still, I could feel the Poseidon wanting to smite me. What would my mother say about this? After a millennia of bickering between Athena and Poseidon, I wouldn't be entirely all that surprised if she hated the prospect of us being together.

Do I really even like him? 

I've been second guessing myself all night, but the moment Percy steps out of that bathroom will be the moment of truth.

I sliced a piece of cake for myself and handled another slice for Alatar. He joked on how the cake kinda looked like a giant brick with extra blue frosting.

I laughed and agreed.

"Hey Percy! We've finished cutting the cake. Do you want a slice?" I shouted through the door.

"Yeah Percy, as the belated birthday boy, your kinda obliged to have a piece of cake," Alatar added on.

I heard the door knob turn and out stepped Percy. My heart skipped a beat. The knife in my hand started to tremble, but I realized that it was my entire hand that was shaking. 

I smiled wearily, and held up a slice of cake. "Happy belated birthday Percy,"

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