The Truths Ch. 16

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Percy's POV

Annabeth held up a piece of birthday cake. My birthday cake. I smiled and took the plate. 

"Thanks Annabeth, "I turned toward Alatar, "Thanks to you too,"

Alatar nodded in response. 

"Whatever happened to Tyson?" I asked, after noticing the loud brother of mine was not in the room.

"He had to leave early. Helping under the sea and all that is a full time job you know?" Annabeth answered as she held up a plastic fork.

Realizing it was meant for me, I grabbed it and stabbed the slice of cake. It stuck up like a white flag in a chunk of blue wall. 

There was a moment of awkward silence. We all stared at the floor as we ate party cake. Clearly none of us knew what to say. Alatar filled the void for me though, by blowing his party blower once more. The noise rang through the room like an electric shock.

Annabeth jolted up from looking at the floor and glared at him, "What was that for?!"

He laughed and waved the blower around, "It was so tense in here, I thought I should lighten the mood a little bit!" He grinned from ear to ear.

I mirrored his smile and snatched a party blower from the set that they brought. Bringing to my lips, I blew as hard as I could. Soon, the sound of party blowers and laughter filled the room.

"Hey Alatar?" Annabeth mumbled quietly.

"Eh? What's up? You'll have to speak louder. I'm afraid I'm going deaf from all that honking earlier," Alatar responded.

"Uhm, it was really nice for you to be here and all, but I have something I'd like to speak to Percy. Alone please," Annabeth was as bright as a cherry as she spoke. I was starting to heat up myself.

"Sure," Alatar replied casually before locking himself in the bathroom.

Annabeth turned to look at me. "Do you have something to say?"

"Uh.... thank yoU?" my voice cracked at the end and I slapped a hand over my mouth.

"Not that. Anything else?" 

"I.. I'm really sorry about avoiding you," I mumbled. "It was for a purpose I swear."

"Oh really? What? What is your excuse?" she demanded.

"I.. I wanted to save you. Save you from what these dreams have shown me,"

"What were they about?"

"You were falling down a pit and alone in this passageway of some sort. And there was us in a cave maybe? We looked really bad and you were near death. There.. there was so much more that I saw and I.. I didn't want any of that to happen to you."

"Percy.. you dumb idiot,"

I looked up and saw Annabeth on the verge of tears. "Wait no.. don't cry. I just really didn't mean to make you sad or-" I ran to grab a napkin and offered it to her.

She took it and wiped her tears.

"Percy, you stray piece of kelp. You should have told me because... I've seen them too. There was this prophecy maybe, an owl spoke to me. Someone is trying to keep me from reaching you Percy and someone is trying to keep you from finding me," Annabeth puzzled it out.

"Yeah... but who?"

As soon as the words left my lips we made eye contact and the answer hit me. 

"Athena," I said the same time Annabeth worded "Poseidon," 

"But why?" I mumbled.

"Percy you really are scatterbrained. I want you to answer this question," she looked me dead in the eyes.

"Do you love me?" 

Alatar's POV

I leaned against the door catching wisps of their conversation. Nothing was clear until I heard Annabeth say, "Do you love me?"

Did Percy really like Annabeth?

I backed away from the doorway slowly. If the thing I heard were true, then no way would this end well. Annabeth would suffer because of her ties with Percy. After what happened to Maralene, I couldn't let Annabeth go down the same road.

I had to save her from Percy, save her from making the wrong decision. Just like poor Maralene did so long ago when she chose... him, him instead of me.

I ran towards the window. After unlocking it, I wiggled through and dashed out into the night. The sky was beautiful tonight. Showcasing the entire galaxy, each star glimmering with light.

This night is a night of change.

Author's Note: 

Side by Side will be ending soon! Three or four more chapters and the story will wrap up! Who is this Maralene? Who is the HIM Alatar mentioned?? How will Percy and Annabeth convince their godly parents to support them? Find out next time!

UwU. Ever heard of Dora the Explora?? Well, her live action film is coming out in theaters this summer. *preorders tickets*

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