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Sonic head toward the driveway, fiddling with his keychain before inserting the correct one into his shoes, looking behind him in preparation to reverse. He moves backward through his driveway and ran forward again down the road.

Drip. One at a time until all at once, the grey sky filled with flowing water, rain pouring heavy over the king's quills. Truly his day would only grow greyer.

Knuckles sat contently, his robe laying neatly against his crossed legs. Resting his head back to enjoy his nightly chick flick accompanied with his favourite rice milk tea and bikkies. He loved the sound of the pitter patter as the rain poured heavy outside, the mild warmth of the candles he lit around his beloved and well earned apartment.

Knock knock.

"It's knuckles" he responded, voice as smooth as rich melted chocolate, opening his front door.

Sonic stood before him, appearing pathetic, quills down and wet as water splashed lightly against his blue fur. He was driving in the rain, he was cold and he was uncomfortable wet. "Fam" Sonic says, a strain of desperation in his voice "I think I've lost da wae..."

Knuckles snickers, reaching his arm out toward his dear, long time friend "I can help, I wil sho u de wae."

They sit in knuckles lux apartment lounge suite, Knuckles fingers pressing the buttons on his universal remote, feeling it necessary to turn down the tv. "Do you want a tea? Something to eat?" He suggested "You look cold."

"No, n- no I'm fine" Sonic stuttered "Knuckles, I need some help but I don't know where to start. This hole I've gotten myself into is much too deep now and there's no way out."
"I thought you weren't yourself lately. You know," he gave a wink "I'm always there for you. We've knowing each other for almost 30 years, there's nothing I- no. We can't handle."

"Thanks Knuckles" Sonic looks down at his cold hands, the gloves didn't do shit for warmth. "I- I messed up, Knuckles. Sallys upset with me." He sighed "I'm not surprised if Miles hates me too, he refused to look at me on the way out."

Knuckle's monofingered hand rest comfortably upon sonic's knee. "I'm sure things will be ok, you just need to tell me whats wrong?"

Sonics breath, deep and shaking before he let himself continue. He was finally going to say it, finally admit to the secret he had been keeping for so long. "I-" he began, a short silence as he licked his dry, chapping lips. "Knuckles, I have cancer."
Kill bill sirens ring through Knuckle's ears. He was speechless. "F- for how long?"
Sonics head nod down, slowly placing his hands onto his scalp, lifting against what appearing to be netting against his fur before he slipped off his quills. "Knuckles," His bald head looked up "I'm dying."

Knuckles hands placed themselves over his mouth instantly. "Sonic, how long were you planning to keep this to yourself?" He gasps.

Sonic laughs under his breath. He didn't know how to respond to Knuckles' question, He never imagined he would be the one in such a situation as his own. "I guess, I didn't want anyone to know... ever." His voice wavered "I was just going to fight it. Knuckles, I'm strong right? I've gone through so much already, we've all been through a lot, together. I can't imagine us..." his voice cut, hiccuping through his now falling tears. "I can't imagine us... not winning... y'know?" his cheeks now wet with tears as salty as the ocean "I've never felt so pathetic, so helpless."

Knuckles watches over, unable to disagree with how pathetic he really did look. He'd never seen the hedgehog so... destroyed. So weak. "You're joking right?" His laugh, subtle and hurt "this is a joke?"
Sonic looks up, away from his hands and simply shakes his head in a slow silence. "Knuckles, I'm stage 4."

"Where? What type?"

"I have- sorry" he sniffles "I have cancer in my fast."

The two sat silent, Sonic letting Knuckles ponder the newfound information before he continued in a panic. "I'd rather fucking die than lose my legs, lose my speed. I may be pathetic right now but nothing could ever be more pathetic than being... not only on the same level but possibly even lower, slower, than the average man. To have to? Take transport to places, to actually use my carport for its built intention, to use a car!? I'm not that pathetic, Knuckles, no matter how ill I become."

Knuckles nods his head down "I understand. So, what's going to happen to the kingdom, to your family?" Knuckles gasped again in realisation, beginning to look away into the distance. "What will you tell Miles?" Knuckles knew all along of Miles' feelings of affection toward Sonic.

Sonic, rubbing his bald head once again let out a pathetic laugh. It's the only response he could make "I think he already knows, he seemed incredibly upset with me when I saw him earlier."
Knuckles low voiced hums "How upset was he?" The poor boy, all Knuckles could focus on now was how distraught their two tailed friend would have been when he heard the news.
"He refused to even look at me, he just left the house."

Knuckles sat, already upset on his own behalf but as the empathetic echidna that he was, put others first and couldn't help but worry about the reactions of Sonic's loved ones. "I think you should call him. I think you really need to talk." He added "Maybe it hasn't fully processed."
Sonic sighs a wobbling sigh, he didn't know how many more confessions he could make. The one was hard enough as is. "I don't know if I can tell him. I know know the right wae to do et."
Knuckles offers sonic a ride "It's best you talk, in person. I think he needs the true and rightful proof." His eyes peering over the bald scalp that shone before him.

Knuckles takes out his phone as he placed his behind into the seat behind the wheel, calling Miles who's contact name sat there, still by the name of "tails". It takes a few rings before the end of the line silences. "Miles, Miles are you doing well?" Knuckles asks in concern.

Miles huffs. "I'm fine, just a little steamed. Whats up?"

Knuckles steered the wheel sharply, attempting to focus on the road, the dying hedgehog in his passengers seat and the phone in his hand, replying distantly. "I want to talk with you in person, I think this is important. Are you currently out? We need to meet up" His voice harshened "now."

"Oh no, yea Knuckles, I'm at my workspace, just organising the screws I just bought. Whats up?"
"I'll tell you when I get there, I don't know if this is something to discuss over the phone, especially when you put in the factor that I'm driving."

"Yea, I get that Knuckles. It's sort of risky to be driving and calling at the same time. I'll see you soon then, I guess."

Knuckles car pulls up, in view layed out a series of aerodynamic vehicles. Sonic began to feel sick, hyperventilating as to calm himself. "Knuckles, I don't think i can do this. I can't do this!" he grabs Knuckle's arm "You need to tell him for me, I can't do this Knuckles."
Knuckles push against sonic, unhinging his fingers that dug into his fur. "Look at you, you're pathetic after all. What happened to the Sonic you used to be, the Sonic that saved the world from a robot uprising and now you can't even talk to your best friend?"

Sonic looks down sadly "You're right. I am pathetic."

Knuckles sighs "No, you're not. Sonic, I'm sorry. You're actually the strongest man I know, I just wish you would prove to me and the rest of the world that I'm not wrong. I believe in you and despite how it may feel, Miles believes in you too. So, show him the Sonic he's always known, even in these trying times, someone has to be strong. Be strong Sonic."

The Royal Blue Blur [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now