Chapter 8

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Months pass and my babies are walking and talking all over the castle. Their second year is quickly coming. Adelram and I have been preparing the country to for war. He still hasn't told me what I already know. I think he fears the stress on the baby growing inside me. He keeps trying to coddle me like he did when I was pregnant for the first time.

He and I sit on our thrones.

Our royal advisors, advise us and prepare us for war.

"My King, our spies have told us that King Gerold has become allies with the pixies." Tom explains.

"The pixies?! How the hell did he accomplish this? We've been killing and eating them for eons!" I ask.

"My spies told me that they made a deal. Lights stop eating pixies and pixies share their native fruits and vegetables. The pixie magic from the fruits will give the Lights much more power"

"That's a good deal." I grumble folding my arms over my belly hump. It's not a bump anymore it's a hump.

"So now they have the magic of Pixies to help them." Adelram says. Pixies though small possess a very formidable magic.

"Who are these spies?"

"Anne and a couple others."

"You let Anne go back?" I question.

"She knows the place better than anyone. She comes back frequently and works under your sister, who has lightened her skin. It's quite literally the safest place."

"When did she leave?" I ask the aging advisors.

"This morning."

"And she figures all this out?" Adelram asks impressed, "She's good."

I nod.

"Now we'll need magic. I think I know who really hates Lights and just might be willing to help."

"Who are you talking about?" I asks.

"Vampires." He tells me.

I knit my eyebrows together. "Why would they help?"

"Because we are creatures of the night. They will help."

I fucking hate vampires. They killed my aunt and uncle and their seven kids. I hate them. All Lights hate them. They feasted on our blood for hundreds of years almost wiping us out.

"I know you don't like it, but it's what we need to do." Adelram tells me.

"Yes I know Love." I tell him standing. I put a hand on my back, "I'm going to go take the kids to the garden."

"Alright Love." He says standing and then kisses me.

I waddle to my kids and release the tutors that look like they are exhausted.

"Mom!" They babble, running as fast as their little legs can carry.

They hug my legs and I smile. Arold is wearing blue pants and his purple shirt is tucked into his pants. He has his father's dark purple skin. His fangs are coming in. Bel, my beautiful princess, is quite the curious child. She's wearing a adorable little purple dress that compliments her light blue skin. Behroz is quite the deviant child. Everything he wears usually comes back burned. He can't control it yet none of them really can. Arold will be walking and take off and I'll have to fly and get him.

Bel still likes to be cold. She has learned to babble in the Dark language, the others don't seem to get it.

Behroz is the first to use his wings and fly. He and Arold take to the sky together sometimes.

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