Chapter 3: Decision

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“The Council instructed that I meet you out here,” Paul said, answering the question Jason was about to ask. “They're still deliberating on their decision.”

“That can't be good,” Jason responded as they walked towards the Council Chambers. “If they're still deliberating, then that means they're weighing my skills against my yet-to-be-fixed problems, though I am working on them. They should at least consider that, don't you think?”

“I would think so,” Paul answered. “We'll find out soon, though. Grand Master Eric said that he'd contact me on my comlink when they were ready to see us.”

“Then we just have to wait,” Jason said when they arrived at the huge double-doors that led into the Council Chambers.

They didn't have to wait long, however, because not even five minutes after Jason's arrival, Paul heard Eric's voice coming from his comlink.

“You and Jason may enter,” Eric simply said.

“Here we go,” Jason said, overhearing the message.

They entered the circular chambers of the Jedi Council, and Jason was immediately struck in awe of the amazing view the windows behind the Council members gave. After all, he had never been in here before. But he composed himself quickly, knowing that this meeting was important and that he need not be distracted. Jason and Paul walked to the center of the circular room and bowed before the Council.

“Masters,” Paul said as he straightened his posture, “this is Jason, the apprentice I had taken on for myself two years ago, the one who passed the Trial of Skill.”

The man sitting directly in front of them, in the middle of all of them, nodded his head in Jason's direction and began speaking.

“I must say, I'm surprised a young boy that is your age, Paul, could have progressed so quickly and surpassed you,” he said.

“With all due respect, Grand Master Eric, he had been training himself for quite some time beforehand,” Paul replied.

“Yes, this is true,” Eric replied. “Jason, when did you discover your power over the Force and begin training yourself?”

“I was nine years old, Master,” Jason replied. “At that time, I discovered my abilities in the Force, but I didn't construct my lightsabers until I was about twelve.”

“So you've had but eleven years of training,” Eric said, “and only two of those years being formal training with your Master. I must say that this is an interesting turn of events. Tell me, Jason, do you believe you have what it takes to be a successful Jedi Knight.”

This was a trick question, and Jason knew it. He knew that his answer had to be one of humility, but he had to think carefully and quickly about how he would answer it. On the one hand, if he said he was, they might disagree, saying he still had to work on his anger, but on the other hand, if he said he felt he was not, that would show a lack of faith in his own abilities. He'd have to wing it.

“I believe so, Master,” Jason said. “However, whatever decision you make, I shall honor it.”

“A wise choice of words, young Jason,” Eric said. “However, we have one task for you to complete before you are to become a true Jedi Knight.”

“Alright, what is it?” Jason asked.

“You must learn to separate yourself from everyone you once knew,” Eric said. “The path of the Jedi is a long and hard struggle, and we cannot afford to have you distracted by your ties to your family and friends. You are indeed powerful, but distraction can lead to destruction.”

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