Chapter 6

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I didn't even know what was going on, but I already started to cry. I could tell Nick wanted to cry too- but he held in the tears.

"There was an armed robbery just off Ridgeway... your dad was shot. He's in the hospital, but they don't know how well he is going to do." She choked up on every word. My dad- was shot. I can't live without him, and if he doesn't make it through this, I won't be able to go on.

Nick was crying now, and the bitch Julia came in and comforted him. No. He's my brother. I should be the one comforting him. I walk over to Nick, and wrap my arms tightly around him. I cry into his shoulder, and he cries into mine.

I realize that the man that was being carried into the station... was my dad. He left a trail of blood behind him, and I couldn't even recognize him. People do anything for just the slightest bit of money- but harming my dad crossed the line. Without realizing it, I was already raging. I was no longer crying into my brother's shoulder, I was screaming and yelling and crying all at the same time, throwing everything off my dresser. But when I realize the photo of my dad and I hit the ground, I collapsed on the floor in a heap, crying uncontrollably- clutching the photo in my arms.

"It's not fair!" I screamed. I ran out of my room, down the stairs, and out the door. I didn't want to drive. I just wanted to run. Run away from my problems, run away from the truth. I don't know where to run except forward. There's not much except trees but I run through them anyway. I run and run until my legs and lungs hurt and I can't run any longer. I break down, and rest against a pine tree, and I want to cry more- but I've ran out of tears.

I stare at the ground, waiting. I don't know what I'm waiting for. I just want good news. I am Christian, but I rarely ever pray other than in church. But now would be a good time.

I say a long prayer, and let out a deep sigh. I'm on the side of the road, across from a Tim Horton's. I probably look homeless. I get up, and brush myself off. I wipe the sweat and tears from my face, and walk across the cross walk. I haven't eaten since Subway with my dad... it was only hours ago that we were okay, our family was fine, and we all were enjoying each other's company. But I realize now- we were taking advantage of it. Now we aren't okay, we are worrying for one's life, and we can't enjoy my dad's company. I knew if he was in the hospital, it would be too soon to visit him. It was only hours ago we were together- but it feels like days.

I walk in the Tim Horton's, but I realize all I have is a ten dollar bill. So I buy myself some soup and a plastic cup of water. The soup burns my throat, and makes my lungs hurt more than before, but I eat it quickly anyway. I almost fall asleep in my chair, but my phone buzzing rapidly causes me to snap out of it. It's Bailey.

"Aiden? Hi, it's Bailey. Are you okay? Where are you? Your mom is worried sick about you, and Nick and Julia are looking for you. Where are you? Please tell me you're okay?" She rushes her words together, and it's hard to understand.

"I'm fine; I just... needed some time to think, alone. Tell them I'm fine, Nick and his bitch-girlfriend can go back home. I'll be on my way." I didn't tell her where I was, I didn't want her to come looking for me. I can be on my own. I'm an adult.

I walk up the street and hop into the first cab that pulls over, before anyone can steal it away from me.

"561 Holly Drive. Actually- just take me to Quarry Park, please." I wouldn't have enough money to afford going all the way home, and I assume I can walk or run the rest of the way. The cab driver nods, and we are off. The ride is quiet; music is low and can barely be heard. I feel as if the cab driver can almost read my mind, because he turns up the music to the perfect volume. I don't prefer the pop music, I'd much rather listen to something like alternative rock- but I also don't want to ask him to change the station. It drowns away my thoughts anyway.

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