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Jimin's POV

Why did I kiss him again? I questioned my sexuality. I never thought I could possibly turn gay, considering I had been against same gender couples.

Gosh, I'm so stupid.

I knew I had a girlfriend and I didn't want to be unloyal to her. I also had to think about Jungkook, too, how he felt when I did this. I may have hurt him a bit, but I would fix it. Feeling guilty for both isn't wrong, is it?

*time skip* 1 week later

I didn't get the chance to talk to Jungkook because I had been busy this whole time, but I guess he was, too since we all had to study for our final exams.

But guess what day it was?

It was a day that occured rarely.

We were allowed to go off the school grounds and enjoy ourselves. We could go wherever we wanted to, although we weren't allowed to go to the neighbouring cities or any other city except ours in general. I wanted to visit my girlfriend after a loooong time, but I wouldn't tell her about my visit.

My friend Jackson accompanied me, which was better because I hated being alone. We went trhough the large doors, the main entrance and proceeded to the golden gate that was opened for students. I always felt free when we were allowed to go out. My girlfriend and I would always plan a date in our favourite restaurant.

Alyssa's apartment wasn't that far from our school, just a 20 minutes walk.

Before we went to visit her I got her a teddy bear and heart shaped chocolate. Who could refuse chocolate or food? No one.

I saw her apartment from a distance. It was very modern and luxury. Her parents were rich and bought it for her.

As soon as I reached the front door I rung the door bell. No response. I guessed she was busy. Lucky me, I had a spare key.

I went inside the apartment complex and went up the stairs to the 3rd floor. Jackson opened the door as I held the gifts in my hands.

We heard sounds coming from her bedroom. 'No. Please don't let it be what I think', I thought. I was curious. I opened her bedroom door and froze, my heart breaking like glass.

There she was, with another guy in her bed, stark naked. She jumped off the bed as she saw me and put on her bathrobe. She came towards me and I stepped back. Jackson knew something private would happen, so he decided to wait outside.

"Jiminie, it's not what it looks like.", she tried cupping my face and I quickly removed my head, shaking furiously. My hands gripped her gifts.

"We are over, Alyssa. Never come back to me. I should have known it. Your slutty attitude explains everything.", I yelled and slammed her door.

On the way back to the school with Jackson I threw the items in the thrash can. My friend tried consoling me, but it didn't help I was broken. I thought she atleast loved me back, but I was totally wrong. I broke down on the school's sports court and cried uncontrollably. Someone had to mend my heart and the only one who was capable of doing that was Jungkook.

I banged on his dorm room, not caring whether I woke up him or Yoongi. Indeed, I interrupted their sleeping time as I saw a sleepy and grumpy Yoongi.

"Park? What do you want? What happened?", he eyed me suspiciously and noticing my puffy and red eyes. "C-can you get Jungkook?", I pleaded. He nodded and let me inside. I saw Jungkook sitting on the comfy couch and I ran to him.

His eyed widened and I crouched down and put my hands on his thighs. I put my head on his lap and cried. He put his warm hand on my head. He dragged me until my face was on his level, just a few inches apart. I blished and looked down, but he put his finger under my chin and made me look at him. "What's wrong, mochi?", I blushed at the nickname. "My girlfriend cheated on me. Can you make me feel better?", he frowned a but, hurt flickering in.his eyes, but he recovered.

"That's terrible to hear. I'm here for you. But in what way do you wanna better?", he suddenly smirked seductively.

I weakly punched his chest and pouted. "Not in that way, idiot.", atleast he made me smile again. "You are so cute sometimes.", he pinched my cheeks and I blished again. Why am I acting like a girl?

After a few hours of talking I had to go back to my dorm. My dorm mate must have been waiting for me because he always makes food for me and him. I hugged Kookie one more time and left. As I made my way to the dorm I thought about my feelings. Kookie always makes me smile which makes butterflies erupt in my stomach.

He always compliments me. I love his adorable and perverted character.

Yes, I do.

His bunny smile is cute. I never felt this before, even with my slut ass bitch exgirlfriend.

Maybe I do love him. But I am anxious as fuck.

What would my parents say? What about the people on our school?

This is too much to handle.

I went into my dorm and saw the sign 'do not disturb' on his door. It is always there. Apparently, he doesn't want to be disturbed anytime. I didn't talk to him that often, but when I did, it's just polite and gentle. We acted like strangers around each other. I didn't even properly know his name! It was a shame, but you know, I lived with it and he didn't mind either.

Today we ate spaghetti until Baekhyun- or was it Sehun?- spoke up. I was surprised as he talked because I always did.

"Something is up between Jeon and you. I won't hesitate to report it to the headmistress. "


Just an announcement, very important!!!!!! I won't be able to update next week since I am going to England with my year. Sorry for that, but there will be updates this week as soon as I get out of school or in the evening. I always sit in school, thinking about what I should write in the next chapters. I literally take notes while my teacher talks and explains. Lol

Anti gay school AU | Jikook | Based on a YT FMVWhere stories live. Discover now