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Jimin's POV

*1 year ago*

I couldn't believe it! How could my mom expell my boyfriend? I frustratingly walked up and down the hall, ignoring the other people there. Yoongi had come to me because I had anger issues before this. I had been throwing bottles on the floor angrily.

I wanted to pay a visit to my mom. I barged into her office. No one was there. Suddenly, mom appeared from the left door

"Yes, son? Don't you know you have to knock before coming in?" I nodded, looking down.

"Mom, why did you expell Jungkook?", I asked bitterly. "Because he is gay and they aren't allowed here.", I clenched my fist and slammed it on the table.

"I don't care anymore.", my mom had a confused look on her face as she was trying to comprehense what I was saying.

"He was my boyfriend, mom!"

Now mom stood up and grabbed me by the ear. I squirmed in pain. "My son will not be gay, understood? If I ever see you calling or texting this Jeon kid, you will get disowned. Good luck living without money and a house!", I panicked. "Can I atleast call his parents to know if he is okay?", I asked dryly. My mom nodded curtly.

I grabbed the modern telephone and started calling his parents. "Hello, Jeon here.", the voice of Mr. Jeon rang through the phone. "Hey, it's Jimin. May I ask you where Jungkook is?"

"Ofcourse! He is upstairs. I will give the phone to him."  "Mhm.", I responded.

"Hello?", a sleepy voice said. "Jungkook, it's me, Jimin.Are you okay there? I miss you already", "Same here, babe."

"I don't have alot of time. But I just wanted to say that I love you.", meanwhile, my mom grabbed the phone out of my hand declined the call. I didn't even hear a 'I love you too' from Jungkook. She said I could call his parents. "Didn't you say you wanted to call his parents?"

"Yes, but Mr. Jeon gave the phone to Jungkook."

"'I love you'. Pathetic. Gay love is never real. It's just men who are confused.", mom rolled her eyes.

"It can be genuine love, too!"

She tapped her forehead with a finger. "Crazy."


I grabbed my hair and pulled it. This was one fucking year ago. My mom forbid me any connections to Jungkook and it killed me.

We would secretly call each other, but I had to preten I was on the phone with someone else incase my mom came in. I must admit, I may have ignored Jungkook a bit, but if I hadn't been that cautious, I would have had no connection at all.

Today we were supposed to call each other, but Jungkook never went online. Hoseok texted me as I could hear the notification sound of my IPhone. 'Check the news' was all the text said. I listened to my friend and checked the news.

There was only bad news, but nothing interesting. I wondered what Hoseok could have meant.


I clicked on it and read it. 'On 16th June 2018, a boy was found dead or almost dead infront of the mall. Visitors of the mall said they saw the boy on the rooftop. His parents claim his name is Jeon Jeongguk, 17 years old, student. An ambulance brought him to Seoul National Hospital where he is being taken care of. He has a broken spine and a few broken limbs. His injuries are dangerous. The doctors are trying to bring him back to life, still unsuccessful.'

"W-what?", I was shaking. I broke down on the floor. "Why?!", I yelled.

I was sobbing hard while curling myself into a ball. 'Please, let him live.', I thought.

I didn't care about the fact that I had school, so grabbed my jacket and ran out of building. Hoseok and Yoongi were already waiting for me.

"I was already worrying if you would ever come.", Hoseok smiled slightly, obviously not genuinely.

Yoongi had a car. He started it and drove off to Seoul National Hospital.

The mint haired parked his car hurriedly on a handicap parking spot. "I don't care about the bill I am going to get. Jungkook is more important right now.", I smiled, but my smile never reached my eyes. I was so depressed.

We went up to the reception and asked for Jeon Jeongguk. "Emergency room 104, first floor." We bowed in gratefulness to the nurse. We pratically ran to the room, but it was closed.

I knocked on the door and a doctor opened. "Hello there, gentlemen. May I ask you who you are who you for Jeongguk? "

"I'm Park Jimin, Jeongguk's boyfriend. This is Min Yoongi and that's Jung Hoseok, Jeongguk's best friends.", the doctor nodded and let us in.

Jungkook was nowhere to be seen. The only thing I could see were the machines and pipes attached to...Jungkook!

Alot of chords were attached to his body to test his stability. He was awake eating cornflakes, considering it was still morning time.

He looked so broken and pale. The old sparkle in his eyes was gone.

Yoongi coughed and I went up to him and patted his back. The sound made Jungkook look up.

A hand was put on my shoulder, which belonged to the doctor. "He may have some issues talking. His vocal chords have been damaged somehow.", I was teart eyed as I looked at the boy in front of me in a hospital gown and chords attached to him on almost every part on his body. I went up to him,  but he backed away.

I saw that he had a pieces of paper and a marker on his bedside table. He wrote on it.

'First, you ignore me while we are talking throigh the phone or videochatting, very rude. Second, you never visited me and now you are coming to visit just because I'm hurt?' I read.

I reached for his hand. "Jungkook, please listen to me.", he slowly put his hand in mine and an electrifying shock went through it. "My parents, Jungkook. My parents are the reason I can't visit or properly call you. They have their eyes everywhere. If they ever were to catch me when I sneaked out, I would not even have a connection to the internet.", I smiled softly at him.

'But why would you ignore me while you are calling? And not only that, whenever I asked you if you were listening you just ended the Call' I really felt bad for doing that, but I had to. They installed CCTV's to watch over me.

I had to act like I was calling someone on the phone. And that ending the call thing. I didn't have an explanation for that. I did listen to what Kookie had to say, but I couldn't reply. My father had set up a timer on my computer.  Whenever I was logged into Skype for too long, the line would cut. I acted cold towards him for his best. I don't know why, but I did it.

I explained this to him, but he still wasn't convinced, I noticed because he turned away from me.

"Aish, Kookie please. I still love you, okay? I would never not love you. You are beautiful, gorgeous, cute and so much more to me. Please forgive me.", I even went down on my knees as I said this.

His eyes had found their old gleam and light again. I was happy. He was still pale, though.

I wanted to get Kookie out of here as soon as possible.

To flee...


Sorry for not updating. I was very busy.

Anti gay school AU | Jikook | Based on a YT FMVWhere stories live. Discover now