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3rd Person's POV

After 5 weeks of staying by Jungkook's side until he got released, Jimin really had to go to school. He knew his parents wouldn't be happy about his absence at all.

He knew a few restrictions would be made, like his phone or laptop. But he didn't mind. As long as Jimin had Jungkook by his side he would be okay. Also, it wouldn't be that good if Jimin's parents restricted his laptop since he used it for research and doing homework.

Jungkook was able to walk again, which made Jimin extremely happy. He still needed someone to stabilise him sometimes, though. Jimin was afraid of leaving Jungkook by himself. He still felt guilty towards him. What even made him angrier was the fact Jungkook's parents had rarely visited. They just came to bring him gifts from relatives.

"J-jimin.", Jungkook's voice was restored too and apparently, woke up aswell. Jimin hummed in response and looked up from his phone. "Please don't leave me.", Jimin was startled. "I-I have to go back to school. You can come with me.", that was the worst idea he had ever suggested in his life. As Jungkook was about to answer, a sound from the door gained his attention

A knock was heard again. The door was opened by no one other than Yoongi and Hoseok.

Apart from Jimin, they both went to school. Jimin beamed at the both of them.

"Jimin, I got some new assignments and worksheets for you to finish.", Hoseok announced. Jimin's smile turned downwards and he dramatically cried.

Yoongi or Hoseok would always keep Jimin updated with the new things they were learning, so he wouldn't get a F in the last exam week.

"Jungkookie! I got some food for you. Your favourite Kimchi.", Yoongi took out a package with the name of a restaurant on it and gave it to the teen on the hospital bed. All the while Jimin had whether occupied the bed next to Jungkook's or he had slept with him on his own bed.

Jungkook smiled at his hyung and took the dish from him. Even though Jungkook was able to speak, he didn't do it much recently. Jimin thought it was because he wanted to save it. The real reason behind that was that Jungkook didn't want to speak alot. He would only answer whenever someone asked him something. Sometimes, he would call Jimin to speak to him or ask him to cuddle with him.

Jungkook eagerly devoured the food and was done in mere minutes.

"Guys, Jungkook is allowed to go outside. I want to sneak him into my dorm in school. Will you help me?", Jimin broke the short silence. "Yes sure. Everything for our bunny.", Hoseok giggled. Jimin then twitched his head to the side as in saying he wanted to talk alone to them.

Once settled in the small closet, the three males alnost pressed together, the smaller started talking. "I want to flee with Kookie. Somewhere in a different city. Maybe back to Busan, but I don't know."

"What about us?", Yoongi gestured between him and Hoseok.

"Once you have finished your education you can join us.", Jimin stated.

"Okay fine. Good luck."

They went outside again and saw Jungkook sitting like a kid. His soles pressed together, whipping back and forth while watching TV. 'Cute. And this guy really topped me?', Jimin thought.

The youngest didn't realise that they came back and continued watching his favourite anime. He had been pouting the whole time which made Jimin really want to kiss him. So he did.

He pulled Jungkook's face and pecked his soft lips. The younger was acting all submissive now. 'Maybe he should let me top sometime', Jimin thought again.

"Kookie, I will sneak you into the dorms of our school. Please don't make a lot of sounds or move too much. We have to hide you somehow."

"W-why should I ever go back to that terrible school again? I just want to stay with you, Minnie."

"I want to go back to Busan and live together with you.", Jimin was still cooing at the younger.

"Really?", Jungkook put a finger into his mouth and sucked. Jimin really didn't know what had gotten into him because of his attitude. So submissive.

"Jungkook, what happened to you?"

"What happened to me?"

"You are acting so weird and cute lately. Not that I am complaining."

"Maybe I want you to top, Daddy.", Jungkook winked. Jimin stumbled forward to whisper into the new sub.

"You will regret that soon, baby."

"What did I say about PDA in my presence?", Yoongi tapped his foot on the ground, annoyed.

"Sorry, hyung.", this day was full of surpises. Nobody ever called him Hyung, not even the Younger people. He wasn't used to it, but he knew he had Jungkook's respect now.

"Whatever, let's just get outta here. I am already starting to smell like a doctor.", Hobi waved them all outside.

They hurriedly went outside. And as Yoongi had said, he got a bill for parking with no allowance to do so.

They arrived at school. Jungkook had put a hood over his head with a black mask on his face.

The looks of the students around the were unavoidable. Everyone was wearing an uniform except for the 4 friends. "Isn't it Jimin? He hasn't been to school for a long time.", a kid whispered to his other friends.

"Who Is that guy in black?"

"I dunno, maybe an exchange student?"

Jimin gave them a glare and proceeded to the dorms.

He opened the white door with wooden accessories. He made sure that Baekhyun wasn't around.

"Place clear", Jimin said as if he was a special agent. The others followed him inside, only moving slowly in order to not wake up Baekhyun, incase he was sleeping. "Guys, midday. Why would my shitty dormmate still be here?".

"Who is the shitty one here, Park?", a voice behind Jungkook said. "Bringing your pathetic boyfriend in here."

Jimin really wanted to throw some hands. "Whatever"

" I would give Jungkook my life."

"So sweet.", sarcasm was extreme in his tone.

"So you want to leave? I wonder what your parents think."


A little shorter chapter cuz I'm a lil lazy. Still love the people who motivate me to continue. Ly♡♡♡♥♥♥

Anti gay school AU | Jikook | Based on a YT FMVWhere stories live. Discover now