Return of the Halfbloods *revised*

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I was shocked to say the least. It had been years since I had heard that name. When we returned from Tartarus we had eventually told the others most of what happened down there. After the war we told everyone we could about Bob's part in our story. We had hoped that even if Tartarus had destroyed him, he might one day reform if we kept his legend alive in the hearts and minds of as many halfbloods, legacies, and gods as possible. But no one ever mentioned him around me or Annabeth and I had barely thought about Camp in the year since we left.

I think they were afraid that we might shatter at the mere mention of what happened after we fell. I dunno, maybe we would but I still missed him and That Place still haunted my nightmares and my daydreams or rather, my dayterrors as I liked to call them. Sometimes when things were quiet I would lapse into thought and relive the living nightmare, telling myself it wasn't real while knowing it was. Annabeth didn't like to talk about it but I knew it was worse for her because she blamed herself for me being there too. As if I would have let go of her to save myself. I was never letting us be seperated again.

I didn't know what Chiron meant about Bob because after I croaked out a raspy "oh, okay," my teacher had hung up like the phone was on fire. I sat there in the living room for a long time before I picked it back up. I was on autopilot as I dialed that familiar number I had first memorized when I was twelve years old. When my wife answered I couldn't speak at first but I cleared my throat and spoke in voice that was shaking so bad I could barely say anything at all. "Hey, Wise Girl. I- I think you need to come home right now. We're going back to Camp."

By the time she got home half an hour later, I had gotten a grip on myself and the panic and memories that had risen to mind were safely stored away so I could tell her what happened. "Okay Seaweed Brain, let's go home." I smiled at her, "I already packed. There is one super heavy trunk by the door for you and one efficiently packed backpack for me."


So we came back. It was just like when I came back from New Rome except this time we were both in one of the guest bedrooms in the Big House. I didn't even know we had guest rooms. When we got everything put in our room we went down stairs to find Chiron in the rec room playing cards with Mr. D. I think both were startled when I suddenly announced my presence with a loud, "Hi Chiron," but Mr. D hid it better. "What do you want, Perry? Can't you see I'm busy?"

I was so used to the wine god's demeanor that I almost didn't bother to correct him. Almost. "My name is Percy, sir."

"Technically you name is Perseus." We all stared at him. He didn't even notice his blunder until Annabeth started cracking up. "What! What are you laughing at, Anniebell?" But by now we were all laughing. We couldn't stop until he muttered something about crazy mortals and vanished.

The following silence was nice for a little while. I could tell my wife was soaking in our familiar surroundings the same way I was. Being back was strange. Surreal, I think is the word I'm looking for. And don't look at me like that! You pick up a few things when you live with a walking encyclopedia.

But the silence continued for too long. No one wanted to acknoweledge why we were all here. I figured, if someone had to do it, it might as well be me. "Chiron, what happened? What changed?"

My former teacher let out a long sigh. "You always did get right to the point, Mr. Jackson."

Annabeth shook her head. "Seaweed Brain is just impatient."

I glared at her in mock anger. "Thank you, sir." That bit was pointed in her direction but this next part was directed at him. "But that doesn't answer my question."

"I know it doesn't Percy but I think we should call a meeting of the counselors so we can all decide on the best course of action for everybody."

And that's exactly what we did.


A/N. hey guys! if your reading this I want to say thank you. Sorry it took so long and I hope you like it.

Dedication goes to Daughterof_Athena for answering the question. Team Leo!

What is Annabeth's birthday? dedication to whoever answers

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