There's no place like Camp Halfblood *revised*

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     I smiled  as I stood on halfblood hill.  I was breathing in the smell of the strawberry fields and listening to the sounds of campers finally back for the summer.  After the second giant war, The Seven had been given full citizenship of both New Rome and Camp Halfblood, romans and greeks alike. Annabeth and I had spent the past four years going to college.   She studied to be an even better architect and I got a degree in marine biology.  New Rome had been great but it would never replace Camp Halfblood as my home.  It was good to be back.

     I stood there until Annabeth came up  and told me to get my butt moving.  I grabbed her hand and pulled her along with me as I teased her. 

     "I love you too, sweetie." 

     "Shut up Seweed Brain.  I can't believe we're not going to be campers this year."  I couldn't either.  When Chiron asked if we would work for the camp this summer I had thought he was messing with us.  I remember asking incredulously, "What would I do? Gaurd the lake?"  Chiron didn't find me funny. 

     "I want you to teach combat skills and sword fighting and for Annabeth to teach greek history or, as the mortals call it, mythology." After a while it kind of made sense and we agreed.  Luckily we got to stay in our cabins so if Tyson visited we could still see each other all the time.

     I carried Annabeth's trunk to the Athena cabin and, thinking of my small backpack I had already thrown onto my bunk, I wheezed, "Why do girls need so much stuff?!"  She didn't even turn as she began to unpack but replied, "I like to be prepared."

     "So do I but I don't have to bring my entire room!". She sighed in exasperation but I could see the smile in her eyes. I loved making her happy like that.  "Hey, I gotta go talk to Chiron about something. Bye!". I turned and raced out of the cabin before she could see me fingering the item in my jacket pocket.


     I had talked to Chiron about what I had planned for tonight and he had given me his blessing.  But somehow that just made things scarier.  I stayed in the practice arena all through dinner, to afraid to see Annabeth before the Campfire.  I was so nervous that even practicing couldn't clear my head.  Finally it was time to get ready for the campfire.  I ran to my cabin to change into my clean camp t-shirt and jeans before running to join everyone else.

     I was late getting there and Chiron was calling everyone to attention as I slipped into my spot between him and my girlfriend and my tardiness did not go unnoticed.  A bunch of younger campers giggled, Rachel gave a little cough as she glared at me for disrupting, and Annabeth gave me a glare that clearly demanded to know where in Hades I was for dinner.  I just looked at all of them as innocently as possible.

     "Ahem," Chiron began. "To start our camfire I would like to thank the gods for bringing everyone back safely." We pretended not to hear Mr. D mutter something that sounded a lot like "unfortunately".  "I would like to announce that this year I have hired two former campers as instructors.  Percy, Annabeth, would you like to introduce yourselves and the classes you'll be teaching?"

     Annabeth stepped forward first. "I am Annabeth Chase, Daughter of Athena, Rescuer of Zues' Master Bolt and The Golden Fleece, Bearer of the Sky, Architect of Olympus, one of The Seven, Finder of the Athena Parthenos, Defeater of Aracne, and Survivor of Tartarus.  I will be teaching Greek Mythology to prepare you guys for your quests."

     Then it was my turn.  " My name is Perseus Jackson, though I prefer Percy.  I am the Son of Poseidon, Rescuer of the Master Bolt and Golden Fleece, Savior of Artemis, Bearer of the Sky, Two Time Savior of Olympus, Defeater of Kronos, One of The Seven, and Survivor of Tartarus.  I will be the Swordsmanship and Combat Instructer."

      Chiron nodded and smiled at the awed faces of most of the campers before launching into all the announcements that start off the summer each year.  Finally he turned to me and I felt my mouth go dry.  "I believe Mr. Jackson here has something he would like to say to someone."  I glared at him and he smiled wickedly.  Who knew centaurs could be so evil?

      I had to stop stalling so I turned to my girlfriend.  I reached a hand into my jacket and pulled out an apple.  And I chucked it at her.  Not the wisest thing I've ever done because if looks could kill i would be a burning shroud.  "Perseus Jackson! What in Hades DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING?!!!!!"  There were alot of things i could have done (running away would have been smart) but I think the last thing she expected was for me to drop down to one knee and pull out a saphire and pearl ring.  "Wha- What are you doing," she whispered softly.

      It made me smile.  "Annabeth Chase.  I love you.  I love you more than anyone has ever loved another human being.  I would fall into Tartarus with you, for you, a thousand times.  I don't care if there is a very good chance your mother will smite me for this or that your father threatened to drown me in each of the five rivers of the underworld if I hurt you.  I don't care because from the moment I heard you tell me that I drool in my sleep I have loved you.  I was too afraid to admit it and wasted a good five years before I manned up enough to kiss you but I hope I can make up for it by spending the rest of my life with you.  No matter how short or no matter how long, I want to be with you until I die and if you let me, for the rest of eternity.  Annabeth Chase, Daughter of Athena, Rescuer of Zeus' Master Bolt and The Golden Fleece, Bearer of the Sky, Architect of Olympus, one of The Seven, Finder of the Athena Parthenos, Defeater of Arachne, Survivor of Tartarus, my anchor, my Achilles heel, and the love of all my possible lives, would you make my life worth living and be my wife?"


     I was lucky.  Instead of murdering me for the apple stunt she said yes.  Actually, she snatched the ring, chucked the apple back at me, tackled me in a teary hug, and then said yes.  We got married on my birthday at the end of the summer.  The five year anniversary of our first kiss is now the anniversary of our marriage.  We moved to an apartment in Manhattan.  I got a job at the New York Aquarium in Battery Park and Annabeth freelances for a few architecture firms as well as continuing to improve Olympus.  We even planned on starting a family soon.  Everything was going great until the call came.

     The minute the phone rang I knew something was up.  We only used Annabeth's cell because it was mobile and therefore harder to track.  The landline was for emergencies and only a few people had the number.  I picked it up to hear Chiron's voice on the other end. 

      "Percy, the two of you need to come home now.  It's about your titan friend.  Bob."

      And so it began.

A/N hi everyone. this is my first fanfiction if you don't include a couple one shots in another book so I hope you like it. tell me what you guys think.  Dedication for the first two chapters go to TheMerGirl because she rocks.  You guys should go read her story Forgotten.  I will dedicate the next chapter to whoever can answer the following trivia question.

      Why did Leo first come up with Team Leo and who was with him at the time?

Okay, bye guys.  DEMIGODS UNITE!!!!!!!!!! Sorry, I've always wanted to say that.


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