Third Wheel *revised*

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     We let that sink in.  I thought about it and then I realized, I don't care. I told them so.  "I don't care if its stupid or dangerous, I'm going after him.  He's my friend and I have to help him.  I have to make sure he's okay. I have to thank him. I- I have to tell him I'm sorry."  I looked at Chiron and he nodded.  It was time for a quest and we all knew it.


     I knew I wanted Annabeth to come, that went without saying.  But I still needed a third person.  Then the answer emerged from the shadows. Literally.





     The minute I entered the rec room I knew something was up.  For one, everyone was staring at me.  I don't know if you have ever had a room full of highly-trained demigod warriors and a centaur staring at you but its freaking scary.  I had clearly interupted something pretty major.

     Safe to say, I felt pretty awkward.  I may not have been the social pariah I once was but that didn't mean I felt completely comfortable around people.  I certainly do not like anyone but my boyfriend staring at me.

     Anyway, I saw Percy turn around and looked at me.  He was thinking about something and seemed to be arguing with himself about it.  "Uh, anybody going to tell me what's going on?"

     Percy didn't say anything but Annabeth did.  "Bob is alive and we're going on a quest to save him and bring him back.  We need a third person."  I felt my eyes get wide.  "No, no, no, no, NO!" I was long over Percy and thought of him as nothing more than the cousin he was but you'd have to be nuts to want to be the third wheel on a quest with a couple who knew each other so well, one that loved each other so completly.

     Then again, it was for a good reason... 

      "Fine," but I didn't have to be happy about it. Percy flashed his trademark grin. 

      "When do we leave?"

      He didn't even hesitate to answer.  "Now."  But our friendly neighborhood centaur was having none of that.  "You most certainly are not.  You can leave at first light after you get a goodnight's sleep.  Rushing off unprepared and exausted will do nothing but get you all killed."

      Annabeth crossed her arms and looked at Percy.  "He's right, Seaweed Brain.  We need to be clearheaded."  Don't make her mad, dude.  He opened his mouth to argue but at a pointed look from his wife he quickly shut it. Good choice.  She grinned and clapped her hands together.  "Alright, now that we have that settled, I guess this meeting is adjourned."

     And just like that, it was.



      After the meeting ended,  Annabeth and I left to go our room upstairs but before we got out the door I felt a hand grab my arm.  I turned to see it belonged to Malcom but he was staring at Annabeth.  He looked conflicted.  His face was pale and his hand felt clammy.  Annabeth saw it too.  "What is it, Malcom?"

      His face took on an expression I knew all to well.  He was debating whether or not to tell us something.  "Just- just be careful.  Come back safe."  And he disapeared like he was never there at all.

      "That was weird."

      "Yeah, Seaweed Brain it was."

      The next morning, after the formal send-off, the three of us stood at the top off Half-blood Hill.  I looked over at Nico and saw his sister standing there instead.  I still blamed myself for Bianca's death all these years later.  I swore to myself right then and there that Nico Di Angelo would make it back alive, regardless of what happened on this quest.

      Even though somewhere deep inside I knew I wouldn't.

A/N Hi guys! First off, I want to thank everyone reading this.  It makes me really happy when I get a vote or a comment so thank you thank you thank you!  Hang in their everyone this story is about to get more interesting.  Nobody answered the question so I'm going to dedicate this chapter to @aem_shark for trying and to @kallint for opening a joint account with me.  It's called @Noah_Movie_Haters because the Noah movie was horrible and incredibly inaccurate but if you go check our account out I will love you guys forever!

     Since nobody got the question last time it will be a bit easier this time.
          What was the prophesy  in The Titan's Curse

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