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Thank you guys for all your support even though it was just a small group of you guys but i really appreciate it a lot !! <x
( bringing jaemin's story back HAHAHA )

Yunhee's POV

I dragged my feet as I walked to school with an emotionless face. I looked up and realised i've reached the gate of what I call, hell.

Kids complained that they didn't want to attend school because of the work given and of course, having to learn.

I on the other hand wish I could complained about that, but nope.

I hate school with a passion because of bullying. I was bullied every single day for almost a year now because of my grades.

I topped the level for all the subjects and students weren't happy with it. They hated me because of the competition and they're not satisfied with their position in the level of class so they took it out on me.

How kind of them.

I took a deep breath as I stepped into hell and immediately regretted it.

" Look who we have here. " I heard a voice said and my heart started racing in fear. My palms became sweaty and cold sweat was rolling down the sides of my face.

She pushed my forehead with her index finger, she smirked. " Did you or did you not study for the exam this time ? "

I remained silent, thinking it would be better for me and probably a way to protect myself but I was wrong.

The group of students dragged me into this abandoned class and started beating me up inside. They pulled my hair harshly and kicked my stomach.

" You better fail this test or else, " She smirked as she took a lighter out from her pocket and lit it up, " This is going to be the next thing that is going to get in contact with you. "

They burst into laughter and walked out of the dark class, leaving me inside there.

I got up slowly with bruises on my arms and legs. I sat on the chair and covered the bruises with bandage that i've brought to school everyday.

I held in my tears as I walked to the washroom. The moment I entered, students inside looked at me with pity and walked out of the washroom, leaving me alone.

Once again.

Sometimes I can't help but to hate them. They see me getting beaten up and tormented by those group of heartless maniacs but yet, none of them chose to do anything.

I looked into the mirror to see a scratch on my cheek, I washed it with water and it stings a little.

I walked into the classroom to see that group of heartless maniacs looking at me with the look that says, you better not score well.

Honestly, I didn't want to care. I studied for this test and i'm pretty sure i'm going to ace it once again.

The moment the test papers were distributed, I started to solve the questions. Before I knew it, exams are over and students were celebrating.

I walked into the cafeteria with a few coins in my hand. I sighed as I turned away from the cafeteria and walked towards the library instead.

" Hey! " I heard a voice said and I turned around to face the popular group of guys from my school. One of them, I supposed is called Renjun, he walked towards me with a straight face.

" Did you study for the exam this time ? " I remained silent and turned away from them.

He grabbed my hand, " Did you or did you not ? " I faced him with a smirk and nodded my head, receiving lots of exclaims from people surrounding us.

I yanked his hand away and walked into the library where there's peace. I walked towards the novel section and took a random book out and started reading it.

" Where's that- " I heard a loud voice screamed and footsteps stomping towards me. I looked up to face the same group of heartless maniacs again.

The supposedly, leader dragged me out of the library by force. They pushed me towards the ground, " I heard you went against us and studied. "

I didn't reply and it was that moment when I felt a stinging feeling on my cheek. " How dare you go against us ? "

A smirk appeared on her face as she took out her weapon, the lighter. She lit it up, " You forced me. "

I felt a really really painful sensation on my arm as I screamed in pain. I pushed her hand away and my eyes widened.


She smirked, " Do not toy with us. " They walked away like they owned the school, leaving me wounded with everyone surrounding us looking at me in pity.

But yet again, no one did anything.

I grabbed my bag with tears in my eyes and stormed to the rooftop. I slammed my bag against the floor and walked towards the railing with blood flowing down my arm.

" Why me ? Why can't I be like them ?! " I screamed as tears were rolling down my cheeks endlessly. I held the railing and started bawling my eyes out.

I didn't know what to do.

I wanted to end my life so badly.

I heard the door slammed and turned around to see no one, except, a post-it pasted on my bottle. I walked towards it and took it off my bottle.

" Don't give up hope ! :)
This too shall pass, i'll always support you.
Maybe i'll reveal myself soon but now isn't the right time. "

I felt pathetic reading it.

I crushed the post-it in my hand and was about to toss it into the bin when I held my hand back and kept it in my pocket.

I walked down the stairs and walked back to my house where it stood in the middle of no where.

" Mom, i'm home. " I said as I entered a small apartment located at an alley. I smiled bitterly as I saw my mom cooking half a packet of ramen for us to share.

It pains me to see her having a head of white hair when she's only in her 50s. She work day and night to raise me.

My parents are divorced and I followed my mom. I didn't know where my dad was anymore, he didn't contact us for years. I took it as if I didn't have a dad to begin with.

I went to her and gave her a back hug, she just chuckled. She patted my arm and I winced in pain, she looked at me worriedly.

" It's nothing, I just- " She grabbed my arm but I yanked her hand away. I moved slowly to my room and slammed the door in her face.

Honestly it hurts me to do that to my mom, but I didn't want her to see me hurting. Whenever she talks about school, I would always say that the people there are nice and i'm popular.

I didn't want my mom to know i'm suffering and getting bullied, so much so that I'm willing to take my life away.

I'm sorry, i'm a bad daughter.

6th June 2018

Honestly it pains me to write the part about the lighter. I didn't want to go in-depth because it could be inappropriate but I want you guys to know that there are people out there who are tormented in this manner.

please stop bullying.

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