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Jisung's POV

The next day, I got to school with a bird nest in my hair because this dude overslept. I ran into school and everyone stared at me before bursting into laughter.

I sat down with a blushed face, okay it isn't my fault that I look so messy.

Or should I say, Messi.

Time passed rather quickly and it soon became lunch time where we are all trying to get the good food.

" Jisung ? " Someone tapped me on the shoulder and I turned around to face Yunhee. She suddenly leaned in and helped me with my hair.

Her face was really close to mine and it made my heart raced.

I stood there, not knowing what to do. She smiled slightly, " You look really cute. " My heart started racing even faster.

" Oh, it's your turn. " She said and I turned around with the tray in my hands. After I've got my food, I went to where Renjun and the rest are sitting at.

Renjun smirked, " I see what happened there. " He winked and I shook my head.

" Yunhee! Come here! " He called out and my eyes widened, Chenle looked over at me and burst into thousands of dolphins.

" Shush Dolphin. " I said and he stuck out his tongue.

She walked over with a smile, " What's up ? " She said and Renjun ushered her to sit down, and she did, beside me.

How am I going to eat in peace when my heart is racing so quickly and i'm getting so nervous ?

Renjun glanced at Chenle before clearing his throat, " Chenle and I got to go for practice, so bye. " He said as he grabbed Chenle's hand and dragged him along.

The only people left here is me and Yunhee and it's getting really awkward but this is my chance to be closer to her.

" So- "

" How- "

We said at the same time, we looked at each other in the eye before bursting into laughter at how coincidental things are.

" I'll be a gentleman and let you speak your mind first. " I said and she grinned.

" How are you ? Yeah that's all. " She said and we once again, burst into laughter. I smiled slightly before saying i'm good.

She smiled, " So what do you think about studying together for Chemistry ? " I asked and she blushed slightly before nodding.

She suddenly looked away, " Maybe another day. " I turned around and saw Jaeha and the rest glaring at Yunhee.

I looked back at Yunhee, " If it's about Jaeha, I'll deal with her. Just do me a favour and study Chemistry with me. "

She looked at me before breaking into a smile and nodding at me. " At the cafe down the street ? There's really good coffee and cake ! " I said.

The smile on her face disappeared, " Would they kill me if I don't plan to order anything ? " I shrugged, but I could see she's facing financial problems.

" Don't worry mate, I'll see what I can do. Just put your main focus studying with me and helping me score better. " She smiled and nod.

When the last bell rang, I went to find Yunhee but she's no where to be found.

" I can't believe her. "

" But I feel kinda bad for her though. "

" But what can we do ? It's Jaeha. "

My eyes widened as I walked towards them, " Where is Jaeha now ? " I asked as they points at the abandoned classroom.

Jaeha's POV

I grabbed her by the collar and slammed her against the floor, " How dare you flirt with my boyfriend ?! Studying together huh ? I'll see if you can even walk out of this door! "

I smirked as I took a lighter, lit up a piece of paper and threw it on her thigh as the rest of my mates are holding her back.

She screamed in pain while I stood in front of her watching the fire spread across her leg.

" Don't you think it's too much ? " Hyuna asked and I frowned.

" After what she've done ? No. " She frowned at me as she grabbed a bottled water and poured it over the fire, extinguishing the flame.

My eyes widened, " Why did you do that ?! " She threw the bottled water on the floor.

" That's it! How can you do such an inhumane thing without feeling bad about it ?! I'm sick and tired of being your dog and following whatever you asked me to do! " She screamed.

I smirked, " Oh Hyuna, you think you can escape me that easily ? Nope. " I walked towards her, slowly. Her back hit the wall and I smirked as I placed my face nearer to her's.

" Listen up you little rat, no one mess with me. You don't have a choice but to stay and you're not allowed to say anything to anyone or else you'll end up like that dead fish there. " I said in a low tone.

She glared at me, " You nasty thing! " She screamed and I just smirked as I walked towards Yunhee.

" Look here, I'm not with you but you're not allowed to go on a study date with Jisung alright ? Or else, you're not going to be the only one suffering. " I said as I walked out of the room with my minions.

Jisung's POV

I ran into the room to smell a burning smell, I saw Yunhee lying on the floor with blood on her thigh and a spilled bottle on the floor.

I ran to her and called the ambulance, " Yunhee, can you hear me ? " But there was no response, I looked around to see a piece of half burnt paper beside her.

Soon, the ambulance came and brought her to the hospital and I followed along.

" Her burnt is really bad, do you know what's the cause of it ? " The doctor asked and I thought for a moment, remembering the piece of half burnt paper.

" I think she was burnt by fire. " His eyes widened.

He crossed his arms, " You see, when you get third degree burn, it eventually remained as a scar and fire spreads really quickly right ? The piece of scar on Yunhee's thigh is a really big piece. "

" I don't know how is she going to react to it when she wakes up but i'm pretty sure it wouldn't be a pretty sight. " He said.

He sighed, " For now, just call her family down. " I nodded as he walked past me. I called the school, telling them to inform her family.

I walked into the ward and saw her lying on the bed with her really short and uneven haircut. It was caused by Jaeha and I'm pretty sure of it.

I'm so sorry I'm not there to protect you.

30th June 2018

Hi guys

i'm in deep trouble.

I thought I might have gotten over my crush but nope, after school starts again, i've been bumping into him and his friends so many times that i'm in shock. I saw them before school, during school and after school like dude how.

save me.

please thanks.

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