Chapter Three

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"You didn't call me," I stated.

"W-what? Oh, sorry." He said, scratching the back of his neck. "A lot happened yesterday, and I forgot."

I hummed in response. "I heard what happened on the news last night."

"Oh, that?"

"Yeah!" I shouted, ecstatic. "They said you ran in there and helped Bakuguo! Well, tried to help until All Might came and took him down!"

"I got chewed out by the other heroes though. My legs just kinda moved on their own."

"Wow!"  It was silent for a moment until Izuku asked,

"Emiko. Do you think I could become a hero?"

"Of course! Heroes are brave right? Well, what you did last night was really brave! You could definitely become a hero if you worked hard enough!"

(A/n~Cue Izuku's training music and montage~) 

After that day, not a lot happened. It was pretty uneventful, Izuku would be off doing who knows what and I would study and train my quirk. It was hard, but I was improving. Sometimes it doesn't work the way I'd like it too, but I'm making progress. Soon ten months passed and we were ready for the U.A. test.

I walked in and looked around. I saw Izuku talking to a girl and then getting flustered when she walked away. I ran up to him and said hello. He didn't talk to a lot of girls throughout school, except for me and his mother. He was pretty shy around them and got flustered easily. 

"H-hey," He said, still a little red. We walked inside and sat in our seats beside each other. I looked around and saw that there was a lot of people here. But the only people from our school was me, Izuku and Katsuki, who sat on the other side of Izuku. A man walked to the stage in the front and introduced himself. 

"For all you examinees listeners tuning in,  welcome to my show today! Everybody say 'Hey'!"

In response, he got silence from the crowd. He turned back to us.

"What a refined response! Then I'll quickly give you a rundown on the practical exam. Are you ready?!"

Again, not a single word uttered by the crowd.

"It's the voice hero, Present Mic! Wow!" Izuku muttered as he fanboyed. 'Oh yeah, Present Mic. Izuku listens to him on the radio every week. He's dragged me over to listen with him a few times. It was pretty cool.'  

"Shut up," Katsuki said, annoyed.

"As it said it the application requirements, you will be ten minutes mock urban battle after this. You may bring whatever you like with you. After my presentation, you will go to your designated battle center, okay?"


"Okay?!"He yelled.

"In other words, they won't allow you to work with your friends, huh?" Katsuki said.

He began to explain our goal. We had to defeat different kinds of fake villains that were worth and one, two or three point amount using our quirks. But we were not allowed to do any unheroic act towards anyone.

"May I ask a question?" A man yelled out from the crowd. 

"Okay!" Present Mic replied.

"On the handout, there are four types of villains, if this is a misprint, then U.A.,  the most prestigious school in Japan, should be ashamed of this foolish mistake. We, examinees, are here because we wish to be molded into heroes. In addition, you over there with the curly hair. " He pointed to Izuku. "You've been muttering this whole time. It's quite distracting. If you're here on a pleasure trip, you should leave immediately." Izuku covered his mouth and looked down.

"Okay, okay. Examinee number 7111. Thanks for the message. The fourth villain is worth zero points. That guy is an obstacle, so to speak. There's one in every battle center, and he'll go crazy in narrow spaces. It's not impossible to defeat, but there's no reason to defeat it either. So it's just best to steer clear of it."

"Thank you very much!" The boy yelled. "I apologize for the interruption!" 

"That's all from me! Finally, I'll give you listeners a present. Our school motto! Plus Ultra!"

I looked at Izuku and saw worry written all over his face.

"Now, everyone, good luck suffering!"

'Yeah, that was reassuring.'


You'll always be my Hero (Izuku Midoriya x OC)Where stories live. Discover now