Chapter Nine

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Today started out like any other day for us. We woke up, ate breakfast, said goodbye to our loved ones, and made our way to school.

We didn't know that they would come. 


"For today's hero basic training, it's turned into a class with three instructors, All Might, Me and one other," Aizawa said in his normal, tired voice.

"Excuse me!" Sero shouted. "What'll we be doing?"

" We'll be doing rescue training. From disasters to shipwrecks and everything in between." the class erupted in whispers from their peers, talking about how ready they were for the upcoming class. "Hey, I'm not done." Aizawa's scruffy voice silenced the room. "You can decide if you want to wear you hero costume or not this time. Frankly, I don't care. The training will take place off-campus, so we're taking a bus.  Suit up so we can head out." 

~On the bus~

I sat beside Izuku and Tsu sat on the other side of him. Asui insisted on us calling her Tsu. Tsu was very blunt with her words, telling us repeatedly that she says what comes to mind.


" Y-yes, Asui?"

"Call me Tsu. Your quirk is like All Might's." 

"Wh-what? I- uh- I mean..." He turned around trying to think up something as a reply.

 "Wait a sec, Tsu, All Might doesn't get hurt when he uses his. They just kind of look the same." Kirishima said.

"Yeah. They probably both have some kind of super strength quirk. Plus he does that glowing thing when he uses it." I added.

"I wish I had a flashy quirk like yours. My hardening quirk is strong against others, but it doesn't look like much."

"I think its still really cool," Izuku said. "It can definitely pass as a pro's!"

I tuned them out for a while. I was tired and hadn't got a lot of sleep last night. I leaned my head on Izuku's shoulder. He jumped slightly at the sudden contact.

"A-are you tired, Emiko?" I mumbled a muffled 'hmm' in agreement. "O-okay then, I'll wake you when we get there."   I thanked him. I could feel the blush coming off of him. Even without looking, I could tell he was red as a cherry. He was shaking slightly, but he was trying to stay still to allow me to sleep. I could also hear his heartbeat, which lulled me to sleep.  I hadn't fallen all the way asleep but I was close. I was awake enough to listen to the conversation, but I chose not to and tuned them out to be left in my thoughts.  

Izuku shook me awake, not that I was, but out of my trance.  He muttered that we were here and it was time to get off the bus. After entering USJ, we learned our third teacher is the Space Hero, Thirteen. I had remembered them from Izuku's notes,  they had rescued tons of people from disasters, Izuku would tell me all about them afterward. USJ was huge. 

"A shipwreck, a landslide, a fire, a windstorm, et cetera. It is a training ground that I made with different types of accidents and disasters. It's called the 'Unforeseen Simulation Joint' or USJ for short!" Thirteen explained.

"Thirteen. " Aizawa said. "Where's All Might? He was supposed to meet us here." After speaking with Thirteen on that issue, he turned back to us. "Well, it can't be helped. Shall we begin?" I couldn't wait. I was shaking with excitement or was it nervousness? 

"As you all know, my quirk, Black Hole, I can suck anything up and turn it into dust." Izuku interrupted saying that they have been able to save people with that quirk. Thirteen continued saying, "It's still a power that can kill easily. Some of you have quirks like that, right?" They quickly explained how we are here, using our quirks for good, using them to save peoples lives.   We all cheered Thirteen after his introduction, Aizawa started to speak but was interrupted by the room darkening and a purple, misty portal forming at the fountain.    

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