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Chiara Sonesu hated surprises and did her best to avoid them. As a child , Chiara concept of a supreme being , wavered between a "Big Bad Wolf" and a Step Dad who thought he had the whole world in his hands. God had other ideas.

Either way a skinny,grey haired , alcoholic , stealing away the joy and childhood of a seven year old girl was not anywhere near cool. Depending on his mood , dispensing hatred, playing Russia Roulette with his two step children. Chiara learnt early to close her eyes to negative situations and make "It Became It" . Her mom appeared to love her although she never illustrated that fact. It asked , Chiara would have begun the story of when her life went haywire . Despite this , she did not become like most and blame a greater Power. All  of security had been pulled from beneath her , like a red carpet , after a function .

Chiara had no choice but to look forward praying for better days . When asked if there was anything she would have charged.

Chiara responded -
"I would give back anything , just to have real parents and a proper family life" she continued "Never close your eyes to your dreams . Make it work ! Stop crying! Make it unfold and become as perfect as can be . Parents love and Protect your children . Stand by them! Protect them from evil as much as you can ! This will help in making this world A better place!"

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