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Emma could not believe her eyes. The sight of her daughter all teary eyed, swollen and torn did nothing to quell her rising anger, as she stared at the shambles, which were only that morning "An interior decorator's pride "

Rushing to her husband's side, she knelt and  gently examined his bruises.
"Chiara!" she wailed, as the sound bounced off the walls and pounced tragically through the front door.
The birds ceased their melodious singing as they scattered wildly, in all directions. The leaves of the trees, received the full impact of the frightened flight.

Emma rushed to the door, trying to find the source of her anger, but Chiara had vanished.
Turning her attention back to Mr. Awkward, Emma proceeded to the kitchen, to fetch a glass of water.
Anxiously, Emma lifted his head and held the glass to his lips.
Hesitantly, Mr. Awkward rose, groaning in pain. Assisted by Emma, he sprawled his wiry frame on the couch.

"What happened here?" Emma demanded.

Suddenly sober, through thick swollen lips, her husband replied belligerently:
"Your crazy child attacked me. All I have ever done was treat her like my very own. I am done with her. It is either I leave or she does!"

Shaking her head in disbelief as Mr. Awkward rattled on, Emma surveyed the damage. Finally nodding her head in agreement, she spluttered.
"Yes, Chiara has to go!"

Emma reflected on her past life.
She wondered when and why Chiara had begun to act like a little monster.
It was over eleven years since Chiara's dad had walked out, deserting them into a state of vulnerability.
Left alone with Gary, who was almost two years and a baby girl.
Emma thought that she was doomed for life.
Everything was dark and gloomy for a
Following the advice of a friend, she decided to go out into the town one night.
Leaving her two children with a neighbour, Emma got all dressed up and headed for the bright lights.

There she had met Mr. Awkward.

To Emma, it was a bliss to have someone to call her own.
They dated for two months and very soon, her new partner was calling her house, his home.

Moving into the house, bag and baggage, sweat and turmoil, he tried to charm his way into the D.N.A of all  Emma's family members, with success.
Her two children were suddenly placed into the Awkward position of acceptance.

During the first two weeks, it was harmonious and peaceful.
The most noise that could have been heard, was laughter between the two.

Very soon, all that changed as she began to entertain and party heartily.
Emma spent money to lavish Mr.Awkward and his friends.
Every weekend, one could hear loud music booming through every opening of the house.
Food and drinks flowed.
Rough, noisy men, using obscenities of every kind, ate and drank to their heart's content.

No more peace in the house!

Still lying back on the satin, cushioned pillows, Mr. Awkward pretended to be asleep whilst Emma continued to examine the room.
Emma sighed unhappily.
All her hard work to decorate the room, had gone to nought.
Light streamed in through the windows overhead, illuminating the horrifying scene.
Broken shards of glass lay everywhere.
Chairs were overturned and droplets of blood, spotted the floor.

Mr. Awkward remained still. He felt demoralized. He had believed that he knew every trick in the book, when it came to Chiara, but, she kept on eluding him.
"Chiara thinks she is tough, but, I am not finished with her yet!" He thought to himself.

Emma, still dumbfounded, sat beside her husband, caressing, coo-ing and sympathize with him.
The damage which he alleged that Chiara had done to the room, was revolting.
She knew that Chiara could no longer live there.

Emma had never wanted Mr. Awkward to be sad or upset for she was too head over heels, to care about anything else.
"He must see me as the most despicable woman, for bearing a child like Chiara!" she muttered to herself.

Emma had just turned thirty. At times when she looked into the mirror, she could see what the disastrous marriage to Gary and Chiara's dad, had done to her.
When he had moved on to a new life, Emma would lie awake at nights, searching for one good memory of her first husband, but, everything was shady, cold, gloomy and miserable.

Meeting Mr. Awkward and feeling so loved and appreciated, was the best thing that happened to her.
Opting not to work, so that he could be home to watch over her children and protecting them from danger, were the most considerate action, any man could have taken, Emma perused as her mind continued to slink down  dark alleys of despair.

Emma did not feel any love towards Chiara.
Having gained weight, during her carriage, looking swollen and being sick all the time, added to the early antagonism, towards her unborn child.
Though unfair, Chiara was automatically blamed for her father's desertion. She thought that seeking amusement elsewhere, so many years ago, was his way of saying, he did not want Emma or the baby.

Glancing down at her present husband, his sweet face puffed, Emma felt such tenderness and love.
She began to whimper like a frustrated child.
Dabbing at her eyes, she got up, grabbed the handle of the broom, as though it was a defense weapon.
Gingerly sweeping the destruction, she made every effort to be quiet.
Emma did not want to disturb Mr. Awkward's equilibrium any more than it was.

Thoughts of Chiara, were engulfing Emma's mind, winding her up, tighter and tighter.
Emma did not spare a thought as to where Chiara had disappeared to.
Oh no!
Rather her thoughts were on where she could pack Chiara off to.

Continuing with the cleaning, Emma kept casting furtive glances at the gate, awaiting Chiara's return.
Fully aware that the spring inside her had been stretched to the limit.
Emma knew that she had to deal with Chiara, in a most definite way, once and for all.

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