Chapter 6

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~Crystal's POV~

~At the house~

"What are we going to record?" I asked Preston.

"BattleDome, where can I set up my stuff?" He asked.

"In the guest bedroom right next to mine." I said


"Hey! What's going on doods? It's Mitch or BajanCanadian here with Preston,The Boatdil, Vik, AND someone very special guest..... CRYSTALCRAFTER!" Mitch does his intro and everyone screams weirdly when he says my Minecraft name.

"Oh my gosh. WHO IS THIS PERSON?" Vic asked.

"My name is Crystal, I'm 16. And Preston is my babysitter." I mumble the last part.

"What? Ha!" Vic laughs.

"Oh shush and get to workin." I said.

~In the game~(5 Minutes later)

"OP ME MITCH!" I private message him.

"Why dood?" He private messages me back.

"Just do it. Got got your job today ;) Don't question me" I send.

He doesn't say anything and he just op's me.

"Hey Vik remind the people about torches" I said to Vik. Once he's types it in chat I give Preston 5,000 torches.

"Mitch! WHY!" Preston yells while I try to hold in laughter.

"What? I didn't do nothing?" Mitch says.

"Who else would give me torches?" Preston asked.

"I don't- oh- wait- oh. OHHHHHH." Mitch said. He's so slow....

"Mitch Mitch Mitch. Where is you brain at?" I asked.

"You did this? But whyyy?" Preston asked me.

"Because I like messing with you. In and out of games." I said.

"I know you do. Guess what her and her friends did to me, Mitch, Jerome, and Mat?" Preston says. Then he proceeded to tell them the story of the three pranks we pulled.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA! I like the bottle rocket one" Bodil laughs.

"But it was mean I thought they were hurt!" Mitch says.

"DON'T BLAM ME! It was Andrea's idea to do pranks!" I said. (BLAM IT ALL ON YOU MAHAHAHA)


~Recoding over~

"Hey Preston I had an idea" I said while we walked to the living room.

"Oh no. Is this idea going to make the world explode?" He says. I hit his arm playfully.

"No.... I was thinking every once in awhile you bring three friends over and I bring three friends over. Kind of what we did Saturday but I'll invite another friend." I said

"Kind of like a party" He said

"Well yeah I guess" I said.

"Well I'm down to do that. How about every Wednesday and Saturday?"

"Sounds good"


I updated YAY!🎉

I should put out another chapter out tomorrow too so be


Crystal: Taylor! No! Stop that! I though we said after dance recital we would NEVER have to hear that song again!

Me: I know I'm sorry. I couldn't help but do that.

Anyways, Jake_Fox I DIED reading every comment! I was in my bed and when I read one of then I literally FELL out of my bed! Ha!


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